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Fans criticize Guy Sebastian as a “ fashion victim ” for his mustard sleeveless suit on The Voice


“ Noooooo ”: fans call Guy Sebastian a “ fashion victim ” and slap him for his mustard sleeveless suit on The Voice

He is known for his bold choices of outfits on The Voice Australia.

However, fans quickly called coach Guy Sebastian a “ fashion victim ” after wearing the mustard sleeveless suit during the episode night’s Playoffs.

Sunday, after the singer shared a video of the episode on his Instagram account, fans did not hesitate to share their thoughts on the whole.

Fashion faux pas: viewers criticized Guy Sebastian for the mustard sleeveless suit he wore during the Sunday Playoffs

Fashion faux pas: viewers criticized Guy Sebastian for the mustard sleeveless suit he wore during the Sunday Playoffs

“I love you Guy … but this sleeveless suit is just too much ….. too much … uh … well … just too much of a fashion victim,” said one user.

Another commented: You are an absolute pioneer with everything you wear BUT what’s going on with this sleeveless mustard-colored suit … Noooooo Guy Nooooo. ”

Of course, not everyone hated Guy’s daring choice, with some followers commenting: “ I love the outfit ”.

Express their opinion: subscribers have a lot to say about Guy's daring choice for the Playoffs

Express their opinion: subscribers have a lot to say about Guy’s daring choice for the Playoffs

Not a fan: Usually impressed by Guy's avant-garde looks, the followers were not satisfied with the mustard costume

Not a fan: Usually impressed by Guy’s avant-garde looks, the followers were not satisfied with the mustard costume

Guy’s two-piece outfit was custom-made by Belanc World, whose suit jackets cost around $ 1,250 while pants cost around $ 400.

He also wore shoes from Sebago and accessorized with jewelry from Miansai and Thomas Sabo.

On his Instagram story, Guy credited his style to Sydney stylists Dale Mckie.

Mixed response: Of course, not everyone hated Guy's daring choice, with some followers commenting: 'Love the outfit'

Mixed response: Of course, not everyone hated Guy’s daring choice, with some followers commenting: ‘Love the outfit’

In the video he posted, Guy said that “ it was so good to come back to film the reality series in the video he posted and he thanked the team for their hard work.

“Tonight, the Playoffs start on @thevoiceau … these were supposed to be filmed at the end of March and they were postponed when the wheels fell out of the world,” he captioned the video.

“The team has done a fantastic job to allow us to continue filming The Voice, but it’s a little different …”

Back to business: Guy said it was `` so good '' to come back to film the reality series in the video he published and thanked the team for their hard work in the middle of the pandemic

Back to business: Guy said it was “ so good ” to come back to film the reality series in the video he published and thanked the team for their hard work in the middle of the pandemic

Guy then explained how it was a “very bizarre” experience to film without an audience.

He also said that he “felt for the artists” because there is no applause or applause after their performance by an audience.

This stems from the fact that viewers have leaned on Twitter about producers who choose to play a “ fake laugh ”, in the absence of a live studio

Uncertain: viewers weighed in on Twitter over producers who chose to play 'fake laughs' in the absence of a live studio

Uncertain: viewers weighed in on Twitter over producers who chose to play “ fake laughs ” in the absence of a live studio

Not happy: many viewers said they didn't like the inclusion of `` fake laughs '' in the series

Not happy: many viewers said they didn’t like the inclusion of “ fake laughs ” in the series

“ Can we please get rid of the fake audience on #TheVoiceAU, it’s so distracting, ” shared one online.

Another said: ‘#TheVoiceAU sorts sound levels! No need for so much false crowd noise – I can’t hear the singers. Great work that compromises however.

The Voice Australia continues Monday at 7:30 p.m. on Channel Nine.

No cheer squad: Guy said he 'felt for the artists' because there is no applause or applause after their performance by an audience as they film in the middle of the pandemic

No cheer squad: Guy said he ‘felt for the artists’ because there is no applause or applause after their performance by an audience as they film in the middle of the pandemic


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