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Kocak and Wright end their wrestling career in Hampton in a memorable way



Friday March 13, 2020 | 9:27 p.m.

Tyler Kocak and Zach Wright have faced their share of adversity in their high school wrestling career. So it was fitting to see the two climb onto the podium at the PIAA Class AAA Championships at Hershey’s Giant Center.

Kocak (38-7) finished eighth with 170 pounds in what coach Chris Hart called the most difficult weight category in the state.

He estimated that seven of the top 20 wrestlers ranked nationally at 170 are from Pennsylvania.

"I was extremely proud of Tyler and the way he fought in the toughest part of AAA," said Hart. "It was a really solid performance."

However, the senior linked to George Mason would have liked to defeat Eli Brinsky of South Fayette, whom he lost 3-1. Kocak had previously beaten Brinsky in the Allegheny County duels in January and placed above him with a silver medal at the WPIALs.

"Tyler has had a great career," said Hart. "I was fortunate to train him for four years and when I was little. I know it will motivate him when he gets to college. "

Kocak weathered a tumultuous offseason after missing last season's playoffs with a knee injury. Things went wrong when he suffered a fractured femur during a tournament over the summer. But he came back strong, finishing 38-8 and # 8 in the state.

He came in a WPIAL gold victory, losing 3-1 to Mt. Mac Stout of Lebanon in the final.

"To do this in the most difficult weight bracket," said Hart, "it's a major accomplishment."

Hampton's other standout senior, Zach Wright (35-10), had a different obstacle course to overcome at 126 pounds. In the past three years, he had not been able to clear the obstacle to qualify for the PIAA competition. This season was different.

"I felt like I was at the top at the right time," said Wright. "I felt I could turn it on when it was really important and beat anyone. I just trusted myself and my coaches and I got the job done. "

After losing a WPIAL quarter-final match to Dylan Evans of Chartiers Valley, Wright faced a tough battle in the consolation category. But he put together perhaps the best stretch of wrestling in his career, 4-0.

With a balanced position in the state, he faced Finn Regional's Finn Solomon of last season's runner-up last season whom he lost in the team’s last regular season meeting this season. This time he was ready.

"He really is a wrestling student," said Hart. "He listened to us and trusted the things we were looking at."

Wright pinned Salomon and then avenged his previous loss to Evans with another fall to capture the WPIAL bronze.

"Zach fought one of the best games he has ever played," said Hart of his match with Solomon.

Wright started the state championship with a Griffin Hollingsworth from Garnet Valley pin.

"I had never wrestled at the Giant Center, so I was just wondering what that atmosphere would be like," he said. "I was really excited about it, seeing how important it was to me and to everyone."

He abandoned a 9-2 decision to potential third finalist Luke Lucerne of Council Rock North. This match, according to Wright and Hart, was closer than the final score indicated. His effort in the consolation round was enough to earn him an invitation to represent the WPIAL at the Pittsburgh Wrestling Classic.

"I never really thought I could participate," said Wright, who attended the event as a child. "It’s really cool, seeing the letter that invited me, and I’m really excited to perform well."

As a senior who had never competed in the state championships before, the emergence of Wright was only a surprise to those who did not work with him.

"He struggled his heart," said Hart. “It was disappointing to see how it ended. He deserved to be on the podium. It might have been a surprise to some, its WPIAL performance, but not to us. "

Kocak ended his career with 130 victories. Wright had 113.

Keywords: Hampton

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