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Lady Hale on her Brexit spit: “You can do a lot with a spider” | Women’s dresses


Ther outfit a dress and the brooch embodies the kind of look I have when I am a judge. I wore this trapeze dress in black crepe, with velvet bands on top and a nice stand-up collar, for the extension decision, but the black spider pin on this photo is different.

The spider in this photo lived on this dress and I had decided that it was the appropriate dress to wear for the extension judgment, but when I took it out of the wardrobe, the spider was no longer there . It had obviously dropped at one point and I couldn’t find it, so because a spider lived on this dress, I looked in my drawer and found another one more red, silver and shiny.

There was a lot of talk about my wearing of this pin that day. I know that Madeleine Albright deliberately gave messages with her pins, she wrote a nice book about it called Read My Pins; I get it. But I did not give any kind of hidden message, I am not a politician, so I play no role in politics. If I had realized some of the things people could have speculated on, then I would probably have carried a harmless bouquet of flowers.

Lady Hale.
Lady Hale. Photography: Kevin Leighton / Lady Hale and UKSC

I started wearing brooches when I was in the family division of the High Court. I wore, overall, dark suits and my husband started buying brooches to lighten them. The first brooch he bought me was a spider. I don’t think there is a particular reason why I have so many spider pins. The spider is a very good artistic theme that you can do a lot with a spider. The same is true for frogs, I have a lot of frogs.

Of course, once someone sees you carrying something, other family members or friends who want to give me a gift start giving you the same. And so the collection is growing. I don’t know how many I have, but there are many.

None of my pins are worth much; they are all costume jewelry. The infamous spider pin was from Cards Galore; it costs around 12. These are mostly creatures of one kind or another. Insects, beetles, a dragonfly, a fox and a cute little cat. But I think saying that I was a fan of the natural world might be a bit high.

I tend to wear them more in London than in Yorkshire. I haven’t worn a lot of locked pins because I don’t go anywhere. But I tried to keep it presentable. I’ve got a lot of new casual clothes, like jeans and Joules tops; comfortable pants or pajamas, but no jogging.

People make a lot more comments on the appearance of women than on men, but I remember that in another case, most of the press comments were not about what I was wearing during the hearing, but about one of the links of my fellow judges. I had taken great care to wear a different dress and brooch every day and no one noticed!

When I arrived in the House of Lords, I decided that I would wear a reasonably sober dress but that I would reshape it [rather than try to blend into the suits of her male colleagues]. I would wear colored scarves because I wanted it to be obvious that there was a woman now and that we had to stand out not aggressively or dramatically, but just to clarify that it was no longer all Men.

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