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Haath Phool: Top Picks | Most Wanted Products

Haath Phool: Top Picks |  Most Wanted Products


A Haath Phool is the perfect accessory for a bride-to-be. This beautiful accessory is worn by hand and draped around the fingers like a mini garland. The gorgeous Haath Phool is a statement piece of jewelry used by women to amp up their ethnic outfits to make them look more glamorous and regal in appeal and style. The Haath Phool is traditionally associated by brides with their bridal attire, which creates a very Indian princess style and effect. The beautiful accessory is now paired with simpler ethnic outfits to create unique looks for partial outfits, festive occasions and more. It is now common to see a girl style her lehenga choli with a Haath Phool at a relative’s wedding and designers are coming up with simpler designs to meet the growing trend.

Find top picks for Haath Phools here:


B07QBCBP6LZaveri Pearls Traditional Haath Phool For WomenThis beautiful and traditional Women’s Kundan Haath Phool from Zaveri Pearls is the perfect Haah Phool for women looking to purchase a statement piece. This value for money piece is beautifully crafted with a gold plated metal frame with Kundan stones inlaid to perfection. The center ring is a centerpiece with a large red stone surrounded by Kundan stones and looks very majestic and attractive. This Haath Phool is inspired by the TV shows where this design became very popular. A must-have for women preparing to get married soon.Most Searched Products_PID


B07FN15TW7Women’s Karatcart Hathphool Gold Bead ChainNot the bride, but still want to style your upcoming wedding outfits with trendy jewelry? Then this beautiful and delicate Haath Phool from Karatcart is the perfect choice for you. This beautifully crafted gold Haath Phool is made of a combination of stones and beads arranged in a petal shape and a design that enhances the whole bracelet and chain very well. The center ring is a floral pendant that enhances the look and brings out a beautiful element on your finger. This Haath Phool is a must-have for the upcoming wedding and party season.

Click here to explore the full range of Haath Phools.Most Searched Products_PID


B06XKRFHVCI Jewels Kundan Hath Phool for womenIf you love floral jewelry and are looking for a Haath Phool to style your outfits this season, we’ve found the perfect selection for you. This beautiful Kundan Haath Phool from I Jewels comes with several small floral pendants linked together forming a heavy and highly detailed Haath Phool design. The ring comes with a detailed teardrop design adorned with stones and details. The whole look is perfect to pair with bridal lehengas and sarees or even ethnic wear on other occasions. It’s something you have to have.
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B07FMXNBP1Haathphool Gold Plated Karatcart for WomenThis pearl design from Karatcart is a beautifully crafted Haath Phool for women. The design has a simple and elegant Kundan bracelet paired with bead chains that end in a simple bead hoop. The single layer pearl ring is delicate and very petite, giving it a modern appeal. This effortlessly easy to wear Haath Phool can be paired with simpler ethnic outfits like sarees, salwar suit sets, jumpsuits and more, making it a great choice to add to your collection and also as a gift.
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B08SQ8Y8H6Jewels I Traditional Haath PhoolThis traditional Haath Phool from I Jewels comes with an adjustable design in a free size that can be worn by anyone. The Haath Phool floral designs are accompanied by highly detailed and elegant pearl crowned Kundan stones. The designs are strung together with chains of pearls which add to the detailed beauty of the Haath Phool and elevate it into a truly special design with plenty of appeal, making it a top choice among brides for their special day. Perfect to pair with any color and style of bridal lehenga, this is one you can’t miss.Most Searched Products_PID


B07Q319QJ1Zaveri Pearls Gold Tone Kundan & Pearls Haath Phool for womenThis unique looking Women’s Haath Phool from Zaveri Pearls comes with the rotation of a beautifully colored and deep looking purple stone set in the ring and bracelet as well. The blue stone is set in a gold plated flower surrounded by white Kundan stones which look very regal and glamorous. Floral pendants are paired with simple Kundan chains and beads to draw attention to the floral elements of jewelry. A very chic piece that can be paired with cocktail dresses, party sarees and more and can be reused after the wedding by the bride, making it very versatile and great value for money.Most Searched Products_PID

Haath Phool: FAQs

  1. What is a Haath Phool?
    Haath Phool, when translated, means flower of the hand. This accessory is usually worn by brides on special occasions. The Haath Phool is basically a hand bracelet with a chain attached to a ring so that it wraps around your hand like a flower arrangement.
  2. What is the difference between Haath Phool and bracelets?
    Bracelets are simple accessories worn around your wrist while a Haath Phool comes with an attached chain and ring which makes the accessory more festive and grand.
  3. Can I pair my Haath Phool with a sari?
    Yes. Many women choose to pair their Haath Phools with sarees. But, ideally, they look best with lehenga cholis and on brides when jewelry needs to be bold and loud and command attention.

DISCLAIMER: The journalists of The Times of India were not involved in the production of this article. The prices of the products mentioned in the article are likely to evolve with the offers.




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