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Jennifer Coolidge’s dress in ‘The White Lotus’ finale was a subtle foreshadowing

Jennifer Coolidge’s dress in ‘The White Lotus’ finale was a subtle foreshadowing
Jennifer Coolidge’s dress in ‘The White Lotus’ finale was a subtle foreshadowing


Spoilers ahead for the season 2 finale ofThe White Lotus, Goodbye

In addition to upping the ante considerably in Season 2, The White Lotus took advantage of its picturesque setting in Sicily by paying homage to classic cinema. And hawk-eyed viewers may have predicted the fate of Jennifer Coolidge’s doomed Tanya McQuoid in the finale with a subtle Godfather benchmark from the start of the season.

Throughout the episode, which sees Tanya depart from Palermo, seemingly to be taken back to the resort town of Taormina, although as we now know the gay accomplices never wanted her alive, the character wears a floral dress that viewers saw earlier in the season. In episode 3, as Bert, Dominic and Albie Di Grasso go on Godfather guided tour, a model representing Michael Corleone’s first wife, Apollonia, whom he met and married while in hiding in Sicily, wears the same dress as he sitting behind the wheel of the exploding carintended for Michael.

The nod was captured by pop culture writer Evan Ross Katz ahead of Sunday’s finale.

Unsurprisingly, this was no coincidence, because The White Lotus later costume designer Alex Bovaird revealed to Page Six.

I was quite surprised by the ability of internet sleuths to piece things together, Bovaird tells Page Six Style. When I saw Evan Ross Katz’s tweet showing Tanya’s death outfit on the Godfather model, I was very impressed.

But Bovaird says the awesome fashion moment almost didn’t happen because Coolidges’ character version of the look was accidentally kicked off set.

We were near the end of the show and he was sent back to Rome the night before by mistake! Someone must have taken a plane with him early in the morning and he arrived on camera, she said. Just your typical costume department mayhem.

In addition to the fashionable reference, one could also argue that Tanya apologizing for “the bathroom” and stealing the mafia thug’s bag containing the gun, duct tape and rope, was also a scene reference. in which Michael hides a gun in the bathroom of an Italian restaurant in the Bronx during an encounter with drug lord Sollozzo and corrupt police captain Mark McCluskey. Retrieving the gun, he kills the two men, as Tanya also does when she pushes her way through.

But sadly, she also ends up “sleeping with the fish” when she hits her head and drowns while trying to escape the yacht.

In addition to Godfather references, Season 2 was praised by fans for recreating a shot-by-shot tribute to Italian filmmaker Michelangelo Antonioni in the third episode. When Harper of Aubrey Plaza is seen walking through the streets of Noto being ogled by a group of Italian men, it mirrors the scene from Antonionis’ 1960 film Adventurein which the same thing happens to Monica Vitti.

And that wasn’t even the first reference to Monica Vitti. In the previous episode, Tanya’s attempts to channel the actress go awry when she asks station manager Valentina if she knows who she’s supposed to be, which is no frills, “Peppa Pig?”

Series creator Mike White, who wrote all seven episodes of Season 2, operates on a whole different level than the rest of us, that’s for sure.




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