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10 coolest haircuts for men


Curtain haircuts for men

The haircut of the curtain is characterized by a long separate bangs in the middle or on the side. Oscar Wilde sported the look at the end of the 19th century, the style continuing to gain popularity until the 1920s. The first revival came with the hippie movement in the 1960s. Then it was popularized again in the years 90 by grunge groups like Nirvana and Hollywood heartbeats like Brad Pitt and Leonardo Dicaprio. Nowadays, the hairstyle knew a new resurgence in line with the revival of the fashion of the 90s. Its seen everywhere from the tracks to the stages of K-Pop. However, unlike previous iterations of hairstyling, the 2020 men’s curtain haircut is much more versatile. It now lends itself to a lot more personalization and personalization, depending on the gent who switches the style.

1. Short hairstyle in blond curtain

The blonde looks great with a curtain hairstyle, just ask the young Brad Pitt. Whether your hair is naturally blonde or dyed, you can make this look work for you. A clear part in the middle seems particularly striking. In addition, by associating it with an undercut, the hair is flatter against the head. For a very modern grip, keep the ends super sharp and straight and use styling gel for a smooth look.

Curtain hairstyle + Short blonde

2. Medium length curly curtain hairstyle

Timothee Chalamet is one of the famous faces who wears a medium length curly curtain hairstyle. Men with natural curls will find this obvious to style. Just wash your hair and apply hair oil or a light gel across to accentuate the curls. The good thing about this look is that it doesn’t have to be perfectly uniform. Finish with a few texturing spray for a light hold.

Short curly hair

3. Short black curtain hairstyle

A short haircut in a black curtain reminds of some of the bad boys of the 90s. Think Kevin of Backstreet boys, Skeet Ulrich and Robert Downey Jr. However, you don’t need bad lifestyle choices and a questionable reputation to take that look away. To get this style, keep the back and sides shorter, but let the top grow to the middle of your ear. Then use a wet gel for that Peter-Andre-emerging look from the ocean. Finally, practice your sensual blue steel look, and you have this curtain hairstyle in the bag.

Curtain Hairstyle + Short Dark Hair

4. Long wavy curtain hairstyle

If you’re a man with long, luscious curly locks, there’s no better style to show it than the center part curtain hairstyle. Men with naturally curly hair will just have to take care of their curls for it to work. Make sure to regularly use nourishing hair treatments to strengthen and repair any damage to the strands of hair. If you have long, straight hair, you can still create this look with a flat iron or curling wand.

Curtain Hairstyle + Long Wavy Hair

5. Short messy curtain hairstyle

Short messy hair in a curtain cut is a great solution for guys who like a little adventure in life. It shows your rebellious side while remaining modern and attractive. The location and precision of your room does not matter as much with this style. Just make sure to keep the length above the ear, so you don’t look accidentally ruffled. Finally, use a texturing product, such as salt spray or ointment to style this look.

Curtain hairstyle + messy short hair

6. Medium length wavy curtain hairstyle

A medium length wavy curtain haircut adds an air of dark mystery. Channel your Sam Winchester from Supernatural, monster hunter and demon killer, for this look. The key to successful styling is to not leave your hair too dirty and oily, so wash it regularly. You can add texture and movement with a little salt spray. Also, if your hair is starting to get a little greasy, but doesn’t have time to wash, beautify it with a dry shampoo, which will also add texture. Finally, the extra length of this curtain haircut is suitable for men with oval, heart-shaped or diamond-shaped faces. Keanu Reeves and Jared Leto are good examples of this style working on these face shapes.

Hairstyle curtain Mid-length hair

7. curtain hairstyle with beard

Curtain hairstyles work exceptionally well with a beard. It looks sturdy and masculine and creates a contrast between your soft locks and your scratch. You’ll want to keep your beard in order and use a good beard oil. Similar to other versions of the curtain hairstyle, you can part your bangs wherever it naturally falls and wear a length that suits your face.

Hairstyle Curtain + Beard

8. Medium length curtain hairstyle

This casual look works well for guys who prefer low maintenance hair. The average length allows a lot of flexibility when it comes to going to the hairdresser or the hairdresser for a cut. Meanwhile, the style can be as simple as washing and going. However, if you want to increase the level, you can add texture with ointment. The medium length also draws attention to your eyes, which works perfectly for men who have deep, moving eyes.

Curtain Hairstyle + Medium Hair

9. long straight curtain hairstyle

Tipping a long straight curtain hairstyle is a classic return to the 90s grunge scene. Kurt Cobain and Dave Grohl of Nirvana nailed that look. It has also been consistently popular in the metal music world, making it perfect for headbanging with a Slipknot or Gojira banger. If grunge and metal are not your thing, but you want to wear this look, your outfit will make all the difference. It is also important to wash your hair regularly to avoid an evil atmosphere.

Curtain Hairstyle + Long Straight Hair

10. Asian curtain hairstyle

As many members of world-famous K-Pop groups such as BTS and SuperM have proven, the curtain hairstyle looks great in Asian men. The style works perfectly with the thickness of Asian hair, which allows it to be sleek and straight, or with an additional texture. The length seems better at the height of the ears, while the part can be centered or slightly offset to the side, depending on the shape of your face. Follow the example of K-Pop stars and mix this look with bright pink, bright orange or emerald green dye.

Curtain Hairstyle + Asian Hair


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