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Tombolo Just Dropped Swim Trunks, completing their escape clothing offer


For Tombolo fans, you are probably thinking of the time. And while the first drop is a limited supply of just five styles, Tombolo is finally a one-stop destination for adjustments in hot weather.

Tombolos celebrated, unisex Hawaiian shirts have been bending guys and girls on Instagram throughout the summer since inception, sporting tastes of Blake Griffin, Candice Huffine, Jimmy Fallon, and all the fashion people in between. While the rest of their offering could truly be hers and hers, this foray into the swimwear category was designed for men. Swim has held an important place in our imagination from day one as a natural and inevitable extension for Tombolo, said Mike Sard, co-founder of Tombolo. Swimwear is an example of clothing for which men are very adjusted to fit, so it was imperative for us to wear it properly. When it comes to swimwear, guys need a sturdy fabric that works well in water, dries quickly out of it, and still looks appropriate if you want to venture off the beach for a negroni. Tombolo did just that, with an easy and not too tight cut, combined with its deliciously kitsch and modern style.

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We didn’t care about the side straps or the zippers because we wanted a simple, classic silhouette that could serve as canvas for our prints, says Sard. We also wanted to make sure we selected materials that conformed to our sustainability standards, and we landed on a recycled plastic fabric that is woven to dry quickly. There is also a little elastic in the fabric for more comfort, and we even made sure that the net is also stretchy. If everything goes as planned, our customers should feel like they are wearing nothing at all!

Faithful to their whimsical and nostalgic conceptions, the first drop of Tombolos includes three prints in collaboration with artists like Milou Neelen, Miranda Boucher and Nick Liefhebber: a scene of ancient Greek bacchanalia splashed on an Olympian blue trunk, a pictorial underside beneath the – design of the sea in pastel tones and a psychedelic composition of flowers and fauna. Most of the trunks were designed to be associated with new Cabana shirts, which the brand began to To tease on social media last month and quickly fueled the frenzy of astute fans. From $ 88 to $ 98, you will take your favorite pair quickly before they sell out.

The collection also includes solid black and white options that serve as simple, minimalist staples. The co-founders of Tombolos are particularly proud of the white trunk, which they managed to design to be opaque Sard admits that it was not an easy task. There is a reason why you don’t see a lot of white swimwear sold for men, and this reason is a combination of modesty and public indecency laws, pleasant Sard. Our white trunks are a clean addition to a colorful shirt and remain suitably modest even when wet.

Alas, you may not be able to plan distant and coastal trips anytime soon, but these swimwear will do you good for your local aquatic adventures with designs that still draw attention six feet away.

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