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The see-through dress made another red carpet appearance at Ant-Man and The Wasp: Quantumania Premiere

The see-through dress made another red carpet appearance at Ant-Man and The Wasp: Quantumania Premiere


With Phase Four of the Marvel Cinematic Universe officially in the backseat, fans are eagerly awaiting the next slate of projects. Phase five kicks off with Peyton Reed’s Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania, which appears to have a massive scale for the pint-sized hero. Along with introducing Kang the Conqueror, we also meet a new version of Cassie Lang, played by Kathryn Newton. Thanks to the 25-year-old actor, the see-through dress made another red carpet appearance at the Ant Man 3 first. And she’s not the only one who brought fashion.

Over the past few months, celebrities have increasingly tended to wear see-through clothes like dresses. This was pioneered largely by Florence Pugh, although it has been embraced by a number of notable A-listers. Kathryn Newton had fun at the premiere of Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania, and looked absolutely killer. Check out the full look below,

Kathryn Newton's red carpet look for Ant-Man 3

(Image credit: Photo by Jon Kopaloff/WireImage)

Talk about absolutely rocking the look. Although this dress has a long train and mirror panels throughout, it doesn’t look like she’s wearing Kathryn Newton. Instead, she’s in the driver’s seat, as she debuts this dress alongside her first-ever appearance in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. And smart money says she’s going to become a major presence in the shared universe.

Moviegoers will recognize Kathryn Newton for her roles in big little lies and as the murderous protagonist of Weird. But she will be even better known once fans get to see the contents of Ant Man 3. On the red carpet in this see-through dress, photographers captured a sweet moment between her and co-star Michelle Pfeiffer. Check it out below:

Kathryn Newton and Michelle Pfeiffer greet each other on the Ant-Man 3 red carpet

(Image credit: Photo by Jon Kopaloff/WireImage)

Of course, Kathryn Newton wasn’t the only member of the Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania cast that rocked big fashion side at the film’s premiere. Evangeline Lilly is back again as Hope van Dyne and also brought a bold look to the red carpet for the threequel.

Rather than following the sheer trend, Evangeline Lilly showed up at the premiere of Ant Man 3 wearing a green dress with a ton of matching green feathers. Check it out below:

Evangeline Lilly on the Ant-Man 3 red carpet

(Image credit: Photo by Jon Kopaloff/WireImage)

Kathryn Newton and Evangeline Lilly had the most daring looks in the main cast of Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania, but the whole movie looked super sharp. This includes people like Paul Rudd, Michelle Pfeiffer, Jonathan Majors and Michael Douglas. Below you can see a group photo, which also includes other Marvel powerhouses like Kevin Feige himself. Check it out:

The cast of Ant-Man 3 on the red carpet

(Image credit: Photo by Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images for Disney)

While Ant Man 3 recently had its premiere, moviegoers will have to wait another week and a change before they finally see Kathryn Newton and company in this highly anticipated next Marvel film. With Jonathan Majors’ Kang the Conqueror set to be the next Thanos-level villain, the stakes are definitely high for Paul Rudd’s Marvel hero. We’ll just have to see if Cassie becomes a full-fledged superhero, as she apparently has a Pym costume in the trailers.




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