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Katharine McPhee puts on a black buttoned midi dress as she and husband David Foster see friends


They held daily social media concerts for fans during the coronavirus lockout.

But on Sunday, Katharine McPhee and David Foster left together to see a friend in West Hollywood.

The 36-year-old actress donned a chic black buttoned midi dress and donned sandals for the outing.

Chic: Katharine McPheedonned a chic black buttoned midi dress and slip on sandals as she headed to a guest house in West Hollywood with her husband David Foster on Sunday

Chic: Katharine McPheedonned a chic black buttoned midi dress and slip on sandals as she headed to a guest house in West Hollywood with her husband David Foster on Sunday

The American Idol alum protected her eyes from the sun as she headed inside, carrying a black tote bag.

She left her brown locks in an easy, slightly wavy style.

Meanwhile, her music-producing husband, 70, comfortable and laid-back in a plain white T-shirt, gray sweatpants and black Nike sneakers.

Casual: she left her brown locks in an easy and slightly wavy style

Casual: she left her brown locks in an easy and slightly wavy style

David was sure to wear a blue medical mask, as the coronavirus pandemic continues to impose regulations requiring face covers, although Katharine has chosen not to wear a mask.

He added to her look with white tall socks and black metal frame sunglasses.

The couple met their fans with daily concerts via Instagram Live throughout the coronavirus virus epidemic.

Meanwhile: Meanwhile, her 70-year-old music producer, comfortable and laid-back husband in a solid white T-shirt, gray sweatpants and black Nike sneakers

Meanwhile: Meanwhile, her 70-year-old music producer, comfortable and laid-back husband in a solid white T-shirt, gray sweatpants and black Nike sneakers

The pairfirst met when Katharine was a competitor to American Idol in 2006, but only became romantic more than a decade later.

The couple’s engagement, which was announced in June 2018, raised eyebrows since McPhee is about the same age as Foster’s daughters.

But, nonetheless, they got married in June 2019 at a ceremony in London, and recently celebrated their first wedding anniversary.

Haircut: They entertained fans with daily concerts via Instagram Live during the coronavirus outbreak and one of their latest live streams featured an impromptu haircut

Haircut: They entertained fans with daily concerts via Instagram Live during the coronavirus outbreak and one of their latest live streams featured an impromptu haircut

In one of their most recent locking live streams, Katharine gave David an impromptu haircut.

Katharine, who was wearing a black onesie, revealed that she had cut her hair before the concert before trying to cut a little morelive audience hair.

“ The update is that I cut your hair, ” Katharine started, while her husband, dressed in a gray suit with a white shirt, told him “ did an incredible job. ”

Amazing job: `` The update is that I cut your hair, '' Katharine started, when her husband, dressed in a gray suit with a white shirt, told him, `` made a amazing work

Amazing job: “ The update is that I cut your hair, ” Katharine started, when her husband, dressed in a gray suit with a white shirt, told him, “ made a amazing work

As he said that, she pulled out a pair of scissors, cutting off a few more hairs from her head, saying to Foster, ‘it’s just a minor adjustment.’

David continued, “No, she did a great job. I’m really impressed. My hair was getting so long. I was starting to look like Einstein and, not a good look.

Katharine added: “ No, it’s not your favorite look ”, before the happy couple continues their Instagram Live concert.

The couple planned to tour together later this year, but plans for the tour have since been abandoned due to the COVID-19 epidemic.

Loved up: David and Katherine were engaged in June 2018 and married at St Yeghiche Church, South Kensington in London the following year, as they are seen together in November

Loved up: David and Katherine were engaged in June 2018 and married at St Yeghiche Church, South Kensington in London the following year, as they are seen together in November

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