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Simone Biles’ Wedding Dress Revealed: Photos – Hollywood Life

Simone Biles’ Wedding Dress Revealed: Photos – Hollywood Life


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olympic medalist Simone Biles was the epitome of a blushing bride as she married her longtime love, jonathan owens April 22. The 26-year-old walked down the aisle in a stunning wedding dress by Galia Lahav, as seen in photos on his Instagram. Looking every square inch of a princess, the gold medalist floated through the air in her ruffled sleeveless number from the luxury fashion brand.

Simone Biles, seen here in 2021, wore an incredible dress to her wedding on April 22, 2023 (Shutterstock)

The couple’s adorable nuptials come a year after Simone said yes to her wedding dress in Galia Lahav LA on March 5, 2022. In her Instagram announcement about the dress, the professional gymnast also hinted that she would be wearing more a dress. said yes to the dress(es), she captioned the photo carousel. Additionally, on October 17, 2022, she teased the white mini dress she might possibly wear during the celebration. in bridal duty, she captioned the snapshot.

Before the big day, Simone traveled to Belize with her closest friends to kick off her bachelorette weekend. belize, were ready for you, she captioned a hilarious video of her wedding party donning the uniform for the weekend of February 24. And on March 1, she asked her followers to guess when their wedding would be by posting a beautiful picture of her in jeans that read Mrs. Owens.

Simone and Jonathan also took to Instagram to show off their official marriage license on April 15. It’s almost time to say yes, they captioned the selfie brandishing their official nuptial document. Simone also celebrated her bridal shower in the weeks leading up to getting her marriage license on April 3. On Cloud 9 BRIDAL SHOWER feeling so loved and blessed, she captioned the photo carousel of a beautiful day.

The 27-year-old professional footballer and Simone got engaged on February 15, 2022, just a day after Valentine’s Day. She took to Instagram to celebrate the proposal and gushed about her husband-to-be. THE EASIEST YES I can’t wait to spend forever and ever with you, you are everything I dreamed of and more! let’s get married FIANC, the brunette beauty captioned the photo series. Jonathan also took to his Instagram at the time to reveal that Simone had accepted his proposal. I woke up this morning with a fiancé Appreciate my dawg @don_julio314 for helping me put it all together she really had no idea what was coming @zofrost you went crazy on this one my brother has really made the night special, he captioned the post office.

Simone and her now-husband released their professional engagement photos on Dec. 12, 2022, and wore a classic American look with matching white t-shirts and jeans (see pictures here). the best part of me is you ENGAGEMENT SHOOT,” she captioned the clip, via Instagram. In a separate post, the Courage to fly away the author alluded to this shed which takes Jonathan’s last name by captioning a set of pictures with, THE future Owens.

Two months after Simone said yes to marrying her handsome man, she spoke to PEOPLE and revealed how her wedding planning is going. Right now, the wedding planning is going pretty well, she told the outlet in April 2022. I feel like I only got stressed last week, trying to choose a venue and stuff like that, because there are so many great places to get married, and I feel like that’s a really big decision. She also gushed that she was ahead of the game by already securing her wedding dress. I already have my dresses so that’s good because it takes time to get into production and stuff like that,” Simone joked.

Jonathan and his wife first made their romance Instagram official in August 2020, less than two years before their engagement. it’s just us, Simone captioned two photographs of the pair hugs. She also explained to PEOPLE that she was shocked by his proposal of love, because she did not expect it. I didn’t know it was coming. He’s very good at secrets, she said. The athlete also said she was shaking when Jonathan popped the question. I started shaking really hard because at that moment I was like, wait, wait. What if he proposes? But I didn’t want to have hope and then he did, she continued. And I was just like, I kind of had a feeling, but I wasn’t sure.

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