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Baller/actor Damian Young on playing a body double in ‘White Men Cant Jump’ remake and playing Michael Jordan in ‘Air’

Baller/actor Damian Young on playing a body double in ‘White Men Cant Jump’ remake and playing Michael Jordan in ‘Air’


The classic 1992 sports comedy film white men can’t jump charted his own unique path, challenging societal stereotypes with humor and finesse. Now it’s updated with Sinqua Walls stepping into the role of Wesley Snipes and rapper Jack Harlow as Woody Harrelson.

Damian Young, a Georgian basketball player, plays Sinqua Walls’ brace in the film. He also portrayed the legendary Michael Jordan in Air. EBONY sat down with the young baseball player and actor, after his morning practice which included shooting baskets with Kyrie Irving of the Brooklyn Nets to immerse himself in the white men can’t jump remake, Young’s role in Air and his take on LeBron James vs. Michael Jordan.

EBONY: Let’s start with the movie Air. How was your role?

Damien Young: When I first came to LA, I did a project for this guy who had been given a pair of Jordan Ones during the Jordans rookie year when he was the ball boy for the Denver Nuggets. He auctioned them off for $1.5 million, and he recreated the whole scene where Michael Jordan gave him the shoes, that was my first time playing MJ. So I had this as my [acting] reel. Then I was playing for a DREW League team and one of the managers on the team was like, Man, I want to submit you for this upcoming role. Sounds like you could play Michael Jordan. Fast forward a few months later, and I’m on set filming the final week of white men can’t jumpand I get a call from the production team at Air!

It must have been breathtaking to play Michael Jordan.

Yeah. Sometimes I wish I was just an actor so I could love him more. From a competitive athlete’s perspective, it’s like, I know I’m not MJ, [but] it’s still great to have my name mentioned next to his.

In Airyou shared the spotlight with Viola DavisA Cover star EBONY. How was it?

Man, that was crazy. She and her husband played Michael Jordan’s parents and I didn’t know they were married in real life either. I will never forget that they imparted wisdom to me as if they were truly my parents. They would put me on the line when it came to relationships, marriage, finances, and my acting career path.

Is Michael Jordan still the GOAT?

Oh, it’s MJ again.

What if LeBron James won a ring this year?

If LeBron gets number five, he still needs to get six to catch MJ. But if LeBron gets five and [his son] Bronny gets one all the way, I’ll give it to LeBron then because it means Bronny is everything Jordan wanted his son Marcus to be.

For sure! Do you feel like your basketball background has helped you in this role?

No, it’s crazy. They didn’t even know I could play basketball. I think it was strictly my appearance. If you see the movie Airthere’s nothing about me playing basketball in it.

Thus, like a double body in The white man can’t jumpyou actually get to hoop.

It’s crazy, bro. I get paid to play hoop! I get paid to play on a higher scale! Coming out of high school and college, I was chasing a dream. You never see that. This road is not mentioned. I’m blessed, humbled and grateful that I was able to go this route with basketball instead of maybe playing basketball overseas or other options most hoopers [who don’t make the NBA] have to go do it.

How was your experience on set?

Being able to play body double for Sinqua Walls was the best part of my job was hoop! They let me be me. white men can’t jump is filled with real high-flying, real hoop. And please pay attention to the story, you will see why this character is truly dedicated to basketball and achieving his dreams.

Who do you think is a better hooper? Jack Harlow or Sinqua Walls?

I’ll be honest, I’ll tell Jack he’s a better shot. But all around? Sink!




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