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Kendall Jenner looks elegant in a strapless chocolate brown leather dress

Kendall Jenner looks elegant in a strapless chocolate brown leather dress


Kendall Jenner looks stylish in a strapless chocolate brown leather dress as she leaves a party for her tequila brand 818

Kendall Jenner attended a party for her brand 818 Tequila at Los Angeles hot spot Lavo on Monday night.

The model, 27, looked absolutely stunning in a chocolate brown leather dress with a touch of white at the hem. The strapless dress hugged her very fit and slim figure.

She slipped her feet into a pair of black pointy-toe pumps at the event celebrating TAO CMO, Pavan Pardasanis’ birthday party hosted by 818 Tequila.

Her raven hair was parted in the middle and flowed down her back.

Kendall – who shared selfies of her plumped lips earlier today – launched the tequila brand in May 2021.

Bombshell: Kendall Jenner threw a party for her brand 818 Tequila at LA hot spot Lavo on Monday night

Bombshell: Kendall Jenner threw a party for her brand 818 Tequila at LA hot spot Lavo on Monday night

The brand name is named after its area code in its Calabasas neighborhood.

The Kardashian-Jenner family has a solid track record of success in their various ventures and 818 Tequila was no exception to that.

When it launched in the United States, it sold its entire supply of 130,000 cases in the first year.

There are three types of tequilas in the 818 range, Blanco, Resposado and Anejo.

During The Kardashians Season 3 premiere on Hulu, Kendall hosted a dinner party with family, friends and co-workers to celebrate two years since the launch of 818.

The outing comes after her sister Kim Kardashian, 42, trolled Kendall by wearing a t-shirt with a close-up photo of her face surrounded by the five NBA stars she’s dated: Jordan Clarkson, Blake Griffin, Ben Simmons, Kyle Kuzma and Devin Booker.

The t-shirt had large red lettering with the words Kendall Starting Five.

Jenner dated former Los Angeles Lakers player Jordan Clarkson in 2016.

Brunette beauty: The model, 27, looked absolutely stunning in a chocolate brown leather dress with a touch of white at the hem

Brunette beauty: The model, 27, looked absolutely stunning in a chocolate brown leather dress with a touch of white at the hem

Evening: The strapless dress hugged her very fit and slim figure.  She slipped her feet into a pair of black pointy toe pumps

Evening: The strapless dress hugged her very fit and slim figure. She slipped her feet into a pair of black pointy toe pumps

On the way to the party: She took selfies in a car as she headed to her party

On the way to the party: She took selfies in a car as she headed to her party

In 2017, Kendall began dating Blake Griffin, who currently plays for the Boston Celtics. They broke up in April 2018 after almost a year together.

The model then had an on-and-off relationship with Ben Simmons which lasted from 2018 to 2019.

Later that same year, Kendall was briefly linked to Kyle Kuzma, who currently plays for the Washington Wizards.

In 2020, the reality star also had an on-and-off romance with current Phoenix Suns player Devin Booker. They separated in November 2022.




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