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Sexy underwear and elegant midi dresses featured in the new M&S The Sun summer collection


NORMALITY may seem distant, but the faithful of the main street Marks & Spencer keeps calm and continues.

The retailer unveiled its new spring-summer range this week from an elegant but safe collection.

    Marks & Spencer unveiled a new summer range despite the coronavirus
Marks & Spencer unveiled a new summer range despite the coronavirusCredit: Getty – Contributor

Despite the announcement last month of the closure of two of its main distribution centers and the 17% November sales report, the brand continued with a new collection to appeal to buyers.

There are unique details and trendy designs, but the range remains true to what its main customers want in easy-to-wear fashion. And quality, classic pieces are at the center.

We predict that the big hitter will be the multi-layered midi dress. Perfect for busy women, its chic with an affordable price of 45.

Thankfully, M&S secret weapon, TV host Holly Willoughby, is back for another cut, with Line Of Duty actress Vicky McClure slated for next month's spring campaign .

    Holly Willoughby's dress is sure to please and will suit all body types


Holly Willoughby's dress is sure to please and will suit all body types

Maddy Evans, responsible for purchasing women's clothing, says: The fabulous blue-printed midi dress by Holly is perfect for any spring or summer occasion.

That's if were allowed to get out of here! And M&S continues to fly the ecological flag with all of its cotton from sustainable sources, even in swimwear.

The bikinis, swimsuits and blankets are the best we've seen in M&S with belted details, frills, block colors and bold prints.

Flexifit, already in its panties and its loungewear, was presented to the bras with the new Summer Flexifit crop top style bra, with a gel underband, offering all-day comfort .

    Line of Duty actress Vicky McClure will also participate in next month's spring campaign


Line of Duty actress Vicky McClure will also participate in next month's spring campaign

M&S may struggle in a declining retail market with upcoming test times due to the coronavirus, but we welcome its summer style.

Here I take you through my favorite pieces.

    M&S adds sexy details to her lingerie with this strap, but always keeping it fun and playful with bright colors and embroidery


M&S adds sexy details to her lingerie with this strap, but always keeping it fun and playful with bright colors and embroidery
    This swimsuit is perfectly styled with denim-look linen pants


This swimsuit is perfectly styled with denim-look linen pants
  • Swimsuit, 29.50
  • Pants, 29.50
  • Sandals, 17.50
  • Bag, 25
  • Sunglasses, 22.50
    This dress is perfect to wear now, with ankle boots or sneakers - your ideal spring dress regardless of your body shape or size


This dress is perfect to wear now, with ankle boots or sneakers – your ideal spring dress regardless of your body shape or size
  • Midi dress, 45
  • Sandals, 22.50
  • Earrings, 9.50
    This new Flexfit bra, with its gel underband, is sure to be a hit


This new Flexfit bra, with its gel underband, is sure to be a hit
    Casual sewing is huge for summer and this suit ticks all the boxes


Casual sewing is huge for summer and this suit ticks all the boxes
  • Jacket, 59
  • Pants, 35
  • High, 19.50
  • Sandals, 22.50
  • Bag, 39.50
Inside Amanda Holdens, an immaculate walk-in closet with endless shelves of designer heels and perfectly organized makeup drawers

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