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The Memphis fashion designer had fans saying “Yeah!” ” at halftime

The Memphis fashion designer had fans saying “Yeah!”  ” at halftime
The Memphis fashion designer had fans saying “Yeah!”  ” at halftime


MEMPHIS, Tenn. If you watched Sunday's big game on News Channel 3, you know that Memphis and the Mid-South were represented on the big stage.

Some were featured as dancers and members of the Jackson State University marching band.

And a Memphis fashion designer has the fashion world saying, “Yeah!

Usher performed the Super Bowl 58 halftime show on pop music's biggest stage, but the man who might have stolen the show backstage is a Memphis fashion designer simply known as 'Fresh' .

Fresh, aka Patrick Henry in case you don't know his name, displayed his creations during Sunday's halftime show.

He calls it surreal.

I feel like it's going to take me a month to understand what just happened, he said.

What happened was that he designed the outfits worn by many of the dancers and the costumes worn by the Jackson State University band, the Sonic Boom of the South, who performed with Usher.

There were a number of dancers, the orchestra, the tailcoats, the stilt walker. A lot has been done, Fresh said.

In recent years, this graduate of Bolton High School “Rich fresh“The designs were in high demand.

I've made clothes for Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, Justin Beiber, John Legend. Kevin Hart and his family. Steph Curry, Reese Witherspoon, he said.

His influence and inspiration is Memphis, Tennessee.

I moved to Memphis when I was a teenager and had visited other places, but they weren't as vibrant as Memphis. I really liked how that vibe made me feel and wanted to share that with the world, he said.

Although the world now knows Fresh, he has faced and overcome obstacles such as homelessness.

There have been a lot of hardships, like periods of homelessness, periods of just feeling lost, he said. I'm grateful to have a solid foundation, a solid spiritual foundation to even, when it seemed really dark, love now, I'm here for a reason.

His art and work can now be seen on the biggest stages thanks to Memphis' determination to never give up.

Keep it up. If you have a dream and are willing to work hard for it, great things will happen. he said.

Fresh wasn't the only Memphis connection on stage Sunday, however.

Jackson State University performed at halftime and Memphian Darryl Hill, a member of New Direction Christian Church and member of Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity also opened with Usher.




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