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9 maternity dresses with a front slit for maximum photo shoot drama


It's almost like a rite of passage for pregnant women. When you reach 7 to 8 months of your pregnancy, you might start to consider documenting this beautiful bump in a portrait. And if you take a look at Pinterest or Etsy, you will be inundated with photos of pregnant women looking like beautiful goddesses. So, naturally, you might want to get yourself a dress and feel glamorous too. These nine maternity dresses with a slit in front will make you feel like a fairytale princess.

But unlike the rest of your maternity wardrobe (which you've probably worn in heavy rotation so far), these dresses are usually worn only once. After all, are you really going to be able to do a target run with a flowing dress and nothing covering your lower regions? A bit improbable, we say. Although some women do double-use with the dress and pose postpartum once they have delivered the baby (like a before and after photo), which is also just as adorable.

Depending on the amount you want to spend, you will find split front dresses for just about any budget. But no matter what style you choose, you (and your bump) will be absolutely gorgeous.

1. Dress / maternity dress in lavender lace with bare shoulders

Flared sleeves and a bare shoulders design are the focal points of this maternity dress. It is made of 100% nylon and is lined at the chest, so you won't have to worry about a pinch slip. The lavender color is gorgeous for spring, or could even work for a photo on the theme of fall or winter.

2. Pure color maternity dress with boat neck

This transparent maternity dress lets your bump be the star of the picture. It has a tall tube that opens to reveal your bare belly. Dress it up with black underwear and you will look (and feel) like the sexy mom you are.

3. Pregnancy dress for photography

Are you looking for a little glamor to go with your dress? This maternity dress has all the ingredients for a dramatic effect. It has long sleeves, which provide both coverage and comfort.

4. Maternity dress for photography

If you want a dream dress for a spring / summer photo shoot, this is the one for you. It has a stretch cotton top with extra elastic so you don't squeeze your breasts. The muslin bottom will flow beautifully (just aim a fan towards it to get a big movement in your shots). The dress is available in colors like blue, purple, white and pink.

5. The Milana dress

Sure, you want to show off your bump, but you don't necessarily want your girly parts to be on display as well. Step into the Milana dress from Hatch, which lets you show off your belly and nothing else. The dress has a buttoned style, so you just have to unbutton and free your belly. It can also be worn as a nursing dress after childbirth.

6. Zaqw Womens Maternity Off Should Front Split Pregnancy Dress

Welcome spring (and your new baby) with this simple but sophisticated white maternity dress. The dress is made from an anti-allergenic material, so it should not be itchy or itchy on your skin.

7. Maternity dress for photo shoot

For a photo shoot dress you will want to live in, try this one from seller Etsy AgneshkaMaternity. The upper part is in stretch jersey, with a sweetheart neckline. The bottom is in transparent muslin, which can be doubled at your request.

8. Camille open maternity dress on the front Camille

While most maternity dresses are made of chiffon, this Etsy SewWildflowers seller's dress is lace. The dress, which is unlined, opens on your belly and can be used in all kinds of photos, from traditional maternity shots to milk baths.

9. White maternity dress for a photo shoot

Although lace can sometimes be restrictive, the ZazzyLane maternity dress is made from stretch lace fabric that moves (and grows) with you. The bandeau neckline can be ordered with a heart neckline or a straight neckline.

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