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Which fashion trends dominate 2024? – The torch

Which fashion trends dominate 2024?  – The torch
Which fashion trends dominate 2024?  – The torch


With an ever-changing fashion landscape, college campuses provide fertile ground for experimenting with trends. Whether it's adopting pieces out of your comfort zone or embracing a retro vibe, students are constantly making stylish choices. From bold statements to reinterpretations of classics, here's a wide variety of emerging clothing and accessories that currently reign supreme.

Jean on Jean

Photo courtesy/YouTube FASHION-Advice-USA

When it comes to denim, layering denim on denim has historically been a big no-no. However, this denim trend is poised to become a casual and stylish staple. Low-rise jeans, which tend to be less fitted, offer a looser, more relaxed feel; Pairing them, or a long denim skirt, with a minimalist fitted top, sneakers and a contrast colored denim jacket will give a casual yet polished look.

Layering denim doesn't necessarily mean that just the tops and bottoms of denim bags can also be accessorized to put together an outfit. With a recent revival of vintage bags, this combination embraces the all-denim trend. A specific prediction for summer 2024 includes white denim cargo pants with a dark, cropped, distressed denim jacket.

Banana hair clips

Photo courtesy/YouTube TightShopping in Nishaghosh

After the resurgence of the claw clip comes the banana clip a banana-shaped plastic or resin clip that surrounds the strands of hair rather than on top of them like a claw clip does. The banana clip has recently taken a leap forward in fashion and accessories because it allows for complex and simple hairstyles in thick hair, something the claw clip sorely lacks.

Decorated in a wide range of designs, the banana clip can be purchased in a variety of colors and patterns, like braids or tortoiseshell, and even adorned with rhinestones or gemstones for a fancier touch. These clips don't cause unwanted creases, so if your hair is well styled, but you still want to put it in place, then a banana clip is a great buy.

Leopard print

Photo courtesy/YouTube SandbySaya

One of the biggest comebacks this year will be leopard print, a very popular trend in the early 2000s. Leopard print is constantly growing in popularity, as it is gaining relevance much faster than any other fashion trend. the fashion. While online media platforms claim that 2024 will be rid of The Clean Girls Era and being replaced by the mafia wife look, leopard print is crucial to maintaining this aesthetic.

If you want to make this fashionable print your own, it's as simple as keeping the rest of an outfit minimalist and monochrome, allowing the leopard print to shine as a center piece. This print is most commonly seen on clothing, although leopard print bucket hats are poised to become a dominant accessory this year.

Matching sets

Photo courtesy/YouTube MissLouie

When it comes to stress-free dressing, there's nothing better than the convenience of matching sets. This outfit choice offers a cohesive, polished look without having to mix and match pieces. Known as a casual and sophisticated On-trend, matching sets are easy to layer and provide visual impact. Whether coordinating a top and bottom or a two-piece dress set, the uniformity of the ensemble creates a clean, flattering silhouette.

Matching sets aren't just functional as loungewear; They are available in a variety of colors, patterns and textures that provide the opportunity for versatility in styling for different occasions. Whether it's a casual college conference or professional meetings, these sets transition effortlessly from day to night, making them a wardrobe staple.

Trendy tights

Photo courtesy/YouTube Vanessa.charters

Colorful tights are a quirky and eye-catching fashion statement; With bright colors, eclectic designs or even an ombré effect, tights tend to make an outfit more unique. This trend walks a fine line between wearing crazy prints in a tasteful and over-the-top way. To ensure a comfortable and complete ensemble, let vibrant tights be the main attraction by using basic pieces for contrast.

Tights aren't just made to be worn under dresses and skirts; they can be worn under pants or even shorts to add extra personality to an otherwise average look. Adding sequin tights under a dress, neon tights under monochrome shorts or even patterned tights under a maxi skirt can add immense impact to an outfit.




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