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Influential fashion icon Iris Apfel dies at 102

Influential fashion icon Iris Apfel dies at 102
Influential fashion icon Iris Apfel dies at 102


Iris Apfel, the influential fashion icon and interior designer who helped restore the White House under nine presidents, died Friday at the age of 102.

Talent agent Lori Sale confirmed his death. Apfel died at her home in Palm Beach, she said.

Apfels' Instagram account posted an image of Apfel beautifully dressed and the words “August 29, 1921 – March 1, 2024.”

In 2018, at age 96, Apfel appeared on “TODAY” to talk about recent trends and what constitutes style. She was interviewed at Bergdorf Goodman in New York.

She called ripped denim madness and criticized those who wear sportswear for daily activities, saying: “Sportswear should be worn to the gym.”

She said those who have style are expressive and self-aware.

“You have to be original, but not original to the point of crazy,” Apfel said. “I think you have to be true to yourself, know yourself, not follow trends. You have to take some risks.”

Apfel was born in 1921 in Astoria, Queens on August 29, 1921.

As a child, she was fascinated by her grandmother's scraps of unused fabric. “What I saw made my eyes pop: a gigantic pile of tiny fabric scraps of all sorts of colors and patterns,” she wrote in her 2018 book, “Iris Apfel: Accidental icon”.

Apfel came to fashion through fabric, founding Old World Weavers, an international textile manufacturing company, with her husband Carl, in 1950, according to her biography by publisher HarperCollins.

Carl died in 2015 at the age of 100.

Apfel's attention to detail has landed her collaborations with many designers and brands, including the White House, where the fabric she designed was on display in the Gold Room, according to the publisher.

According to the jacket of the book “Accidental Icon,” Apfel helped style Greta Garbo, Estee Lauder, Montgomery Clift and Joan Rivers.

In 2005, she became the first person who was not a fashion designer to be the subject of an exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art's Costume Institute, HarperCollins said. He presented his clothes and accessories.

THE Archives of Jewish Women said that it was around this time that Apfel earned the nickname “geriatric starlet”.

She has a IMDB List for her appearances in “Iris,” the 2014 documentary about her, and the 2010 “Bill Cunningham: New York,” a documentary about the fashion photographer.

The year it released “Accidental Icon,” Mattel revealed two versions of a Styled by Iris Apfel Barbie doll. The company noted in a press release announcing the sentence that Apfel was the self-proclaimed “oldest living teenager.”

True to form, in 2019, at the age of 97, Apfel signed a contract with modeling agency IMG, according to IMDB. She has also been featured in advertisements for brands like MAC Cosmetics and Kate Spade.

Author Leandra Medine Cohen wrote a blurb for Apfel's “Accidental Icon,” stating, “The personal style really comes from Iris Apfel.” »

When asked on “TODAY” where she found her passion for fashion, Apfel replied, “I guess I was born with it.”




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