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Memorial hosts fashion show | News, Sports, Jobs

Memorial hosts fashion show |  News, Sports, Jobs
Memorial hosts fashion show |  News, Sports, Jobs


The Memorial Health Foundation held its 19th annual fashion show celebrating cancer survivors at the Dyson Baudo Recreation Center on Friday, with 21 cancer survivor models walking the runway wearing outfits from local merchants.

“It’s to celebrate them and raise money to help other cancer patients in our area,” said Memorial Health Foundation Executive Director Jarrett Stull. “All funds raised this evening remain local. And it helps with our Emergency Cancer Patient Fund and our Breast Health Fund.

Stull said the funds ensure that underinsured or uninsured patients can get the diagnostic tests they need, help them get to their appointments, can afford medications and the equipment they need, as well as a multitude of other things they might need during their cancer journey.

“Each year, we donate between $75,000 and $100,000 to patients in the community who need this support. » Stull said. He said this year's event was expected to be one of the biggest with almost 800 attendees coming to watch the models walk the runway. One of the models, Clayton Workman, shared his story after being diagnosed with hairy cell leukemia last year. After four months of chemotherapy treatment,

Workman continued to work and live actively.

He is now in remission and sees his participation in the fashion show as an opportunity to inspire others facing cancer.

“For me, this is an opportunity to continue to reach out to others. » said the worker. “My whole thing is, it’s just a diagnosis. You continue to live your life and be who you are. You don't have to give up and give up on life because of this.

He said that although he was a veteran weightlifter who had performed in front of crowds before, Friday's event was definitely out of his comfort zone.

He worked with Horner and Harrison for his runway outfits and was able to choose his own music to march to. One of the songs he chose was “Perseverance” by Hatebreed.

“‘Perseverance’ is one of them, we have a banner hanging in the gym and I also have a tattoo of it, it’s just kind of a continuation of your journey. No matter what life throws at you, keep going. » said the worker.

Stull expressed gratitude for the generosity of the community in supporting cancer patients through this annual fundraiser. The Memorial Health Foundation plans to announce next week that more than $100,000 has been raised to help local people in their fight against cancer.

“It’s truly such an honor for me and my entire team to be able to raise awareness and provide fundraising opportunities to local patients.” Stull said. “This community is so generous. Above all, you know, we're just coming out of a week of flooding in our community. We have flooding again, and we're going to have 800 people here tonight, that raised over $100,000, I think that speaks for itself. And it's truly a privilege that we can do this for the community.

Douglass Huxley can be contacted at [email protected]

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