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Charli D'Amelio Wears Sheer Dress and Combat Boots at Coachella 2024

Charli D'Amelio Wears Sheer Dress and Combat Boots at Coachella 2024
Charli D'Amelio Wears Sheer Dress and Combat Boots at Coachella 2024


Charli D'Amelio stunned in a sheer white dress at Coachella 2024 on Saturday.

The famous TikToker wore a Aya Muse dress in white knit ($995) with butterflies scattered all over it while posing on the red carpet at the Revolve Festival in Palm Springs, California.

D'Amelio, 19, wore only black underwear under her see-through look, going braless for the desert music festival.

Charli D'Amelio wore a sheer dress and combat boots to Coachella 2024. Image Press Agency /
The TikTok star smiled as she posed in a white knit dress with butterflies. Chad Salvador/Shutterstock
D'Amelio wore black panties under the look. Chad Salvador/Shutterstock

The social media star gave the dress an edgier look by pairing it with her own black platform combat boots. ($189 $129), but kept the rest of the jewelry to a minimum with just festival bracelets.

She styled her short dark brown hair down to the edge of her collarbone in a simple bob hairstyle.

The star of the “D’Amelio Show” posted several photos overall on her Instagram page and eventually added a white and green floral scarf, which she wore as a hood.

D'Amelio shared her own snaps in the outfit and added a white and green scarf. Charli D'Amelio/Instagram
The “D'Amelio Show” star sported this look at the Revolve Festival on Saturday. Charli D'Amelio/Instagram

“scarf #revolvefestival,” she captioned a series of snaps of herself posing in festival gear.

D'Amelio too shared different photos of her stunning looks at the star-studded California festival from the previous days.

The 'Dancing With the Stars' winner showed off her fit physique in a black and white layered two-piece bikini ($98 for the top, $88 for the bottom) together with a long black transparent skirt and added a gray, black scarf Prada handbag ($3,500) and the same chunky boots at the Celsius Cosmic Desert event on Friday.

D'Amelio showed off his abs at another Coachella event last week. Getty Images for CELSIUS Energy
The influencer wore a two-piece set with a sheer maxi dress on Friday. Charli D'Amelio/Instagram

The “Dancing With the Stars” winner posted photos eating pizza, dancing and smiling with friends in an ab-baring outfit.

D'Amelio previously attended the music festival in 2023 with her now ex-boyfriend, Landon Barker. The former couple was seen kissing and spending time with stepmom Kourtney Kardashian while dad Travis Barker performed with his band, Blink-182, last year.

Although Landon is also in attendance this year, the two don't seem to cross paths.

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D'Amelio attended the annual music festival with friends. Charli D'Amelio/Instagram
D'Amelio previously attended Coachella with her then-boyfriend Landon Barker. Charli D'Amelio/Instagram

Landon announced in February that they had broken up after more than a year of dating.

Hi everyone, I would like to let you know that Charli and I are no longer together. We broke up to focus on ourselves. We are still friends and have so much love for each other, he wrote on his Instagram Story at the time.

D'Amelio and Barker started dating in June 2022 and even adopted a dog together just months before their split.




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