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Stratasys aims for fashion sustainability with new direct-to-garment 3D printing technology

Stratasys aims for fashion sustainability with new direct-to-garment 3D printing technology
Stratasys aims for fashion sustainability with new direct-to-garment 3D printing technology


3D printer manufacturer Stratasys announced the launch of new Direct-to-Garment (D2G) functionality for its J850 TechStyle fashion 3D printer.

This new offering adds to the company's portfolio of 3DFashion direct-to-textile technologies and allows apparel manufacturers to 3D print multi-material designs directly onto existing garments such as jeans and jackets.

Compatible with denim, cotton, polyester and linen fabrics, D2G allows fashion brands to customize individual clothing products to meet customer preferences and styles. According to Stratasys, this new offering allows designers to minimize material waste by converting existing clothing into new, bespoke fashion products.

Many brands are limited in their ability to mass-produce denim clothing while still maintaining a level of customization that makes sense to the wearer, explained Zehavit Reisin, Stratasys' senior vice president of business solutions.

We give brands the opportunity to do something remarkable, to bring more character to their clothing line, while promoting a more sustainable business practice that appeals to multiple audiences across the consumer spectrum.

The company partnered with top designers Karim Rashid, Travis Fitch and Zlatko Yanakiev to showcase D2G technology through the Urban Tattoo denim collection.

This showcase aims to highlight how Stratasys 3D printing can be used to recycle and revitalize old denim garments for a more sustainable fashion supply chain. The Urban Tattoo collection will be unveiled on April 23 at Texprocess exhibition in Frankfurt, Germany.

Stratasys Direct-to-Garment 3D printing process.  Image via Stratasys.Stratasys Direct-to-Garment 3D printing process.  Image via Stratasys.
Stratasys Direct-to-Garment 3D printing process. Image via Stratasys.

Sustainable Fashion 3D Printing

Launching in 2022, Stratasys J850 TechStyle is optimized for personalizing premium clothing, bags, accessories and shoes. Boasting a print volume of 460 x 360 x 50mm (on fabrics up to 2m), the fashion 3D printer can be used with a full range of Stratasys resins.

These materials include those of the company Agilus30 for flexible designs in color and Tax resin. The latter makes it possible to produce transparent patterns with a soft and silky touch. Additionally, Stratasys VeroVivid resin can be used to achieve over 600,000 unique color gradients and a range of hardness levels.

Stratasys' latest addition to its 3DFashion range comes in the form of D2G tray kits, available in two sizes. This technology allows users to calibrate their J850 3D printer to fit a range of clothing sizes and 3D print full-color designs directly onto existing garments.

D2G seeks to increase the sustainability of the fashion industry, enabling clothing manufacturers to save material by recycling old clothing with unique 3D printed designs.

This aligns with Stratasys’ goal of achieving conscious manufacturing by promoting more sustainable and environmentally friendly practices. The company highlights a recent study of Green Trade Association of Additive Manufacturers (AMGTA) for highlighting the environmental benefits of its fashion 3D printing technology.

According to the report, the Stratasys J850 TechStyle achieved a 24.8% reduction in CO2e emissions and a 48% reduction in inventory materials when producing a 3D logo for luxury footwear. Additionally, additive manufacturing requires 64% less electricity than the conventional injection molding and thermal bonding manufacturing process.

3D printed fashion design on jeans Direct-to-Garment technology from Stratasys.  Photo via Stratasys3D printed fashion design on jeans Direct-to-Garment technology from Stratasys.  Photo via Stratasys
3D printed fashion design on jeans Direct-to-Garment technology from Stratasys. Photo via Stratasys

The fashion industry embraces 3D printing

The fashion industry is seeing a growing adoption of 3D printing, with luxury designers recognizing its benefits for producing bespoke fashion accessories.

Earlier this year, Israeli 3D printer manufacturer XJet collaborated with a high-end fashion company XOLUTIONS to meet the growing demand for 3D printed stainless steel fashion accessories.

This partnership allowed XOLUTIONS to acquire a XJet Carmel 1400M metal 3D printer. The system is used to expand research and development into the use of metal 3D printing in the luxury sector, particularly for jewelry production. Utilizing XJets NanoParticle Jetting technology, the Carmel 1400M delivers the high resolution and surface smoothness essential for high-end fashion products.

Elsewhere, a 3D printing company Chromatic 3D materials and Dutch fashion designer Anouk Wipprecht teamed up to create a 3D printed dress featuring responsive LED lights. The garment, presented at Formnext 2023, represented one of the first examples of electronics integrated directly into 3D printed elastomers.

The dress was 3D printed by Chromatics ChromaFlow 70 heat-resistant material, which can stretch more than four times its length without breaking. This flexibility makes it well suited to the fashion industry and the production of clothing ranging from swimwear to casual wear.

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The featured image shows Stratasys' Direct-to-Garment (D2G) 3D printing process. Image via Stratasys.




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