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TikTok bill passes House

TikTok bill passes House
TikTok bill passes House


The prospect of a US ban on TikTok has just become reality.

On Saturday, the House of Representatives passed a series of bills that included a mandate requiring China's Bytedance, TikTok's parent company, to sell the social video platform for national security reasons.

The vote — which passed 360 to 58 — came after House Republicans paired the bill with another measure promising aid to Israel and Ukraine. The matter is now before the Senate.

This is the second time in recent weeks that TikTok has seen its fate at stake. In March, the House approved an earlier version of the bill, and President Joe Biden indicated he would approve it once it was approved. would reach his desk, but the bill stalled in the Senate. This time, House Republicans included it in a foreign aid package, hoping the strategy would force the Senate to pass it quickly this time.

The new version of the bill and the previous one are not identical. The current bill provides an extended deadline for TikTok to find a new owner, before requiring US app stores to boot the app. Instead of 6 months, the developer would have 9 months.

The change was introduced to address concerns about the viability of such a short deadline. In its new incarnation and as part of the aid package, Republican Speaker of the House of Representatives Mike Johnson hopes to see rapid adoption of this plan.

Lawmakers on both sides view the bill as a safeguard aimed at protecting the personal data of Americans, more than 170 million of whom use the platform, by keeping it out of the hands of the Chinese government.

There are, however, many counter-arguments.

Critics see the bill as a draconian measure that violates the company's First Amendment rights. Gen Z and younger fans dread the prospect of a future without TikTok.

But what this could mean for brands, content creators and other influencers who rely on the platform for its reach, visibility and highly engaged user base fear are the effects on their businesses.

Some brands have gained prominence on the platform, while established businesses use it to expand to new audiences. They've become dependent on the booming creator economy, the advertising business, the TikTok Shop business arm, and the service's trend-mongering, with hashtags like #TikTokMadeMeBuyIt.

Now they and other marketing experts are scrambling to make sense of what could be a sea change as the latest bill moves forward.




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