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Sustainable glitter reducing fashion's footprint

Sustainable glitter reducing fashion's footprint


AUSTIN, TX – Color particles The Austin exhibition shows that solving sustainability problems in the textile world can start with a small-scale solution.

I asked a group of two other professors and four other students to create a durable material that could be made into sequins, said Jessica Ciarla, an associate teaching professor in the Division of Textiles and Apparel at the University of Texas. Texas to Austin.

Over the past few years, Ciarla has facilitated the collaboration between science and fashion to create sustainable glitter, incorporating it into more than 50 pieces during the exhibition at Texas Museum of Science and Natural History. The glitter is made from a renewable plant-based material, which will break down if composted. This innovation aims to address the environmental concerns of approximately 60% of clothing fabric is made of non-degradable plastic, which contributes significantly to the environmental 92 million tonnes of global textile waste.

Python skin cowboy boots reuse a pair of cowboy boots with durable glitter.  (Spectrum News 1/Tanya Velazquez)

Python skin cowboy boots reuse a pair of cowboy boots with durable glitter. (Spectrum News 1/Tanya Velazquez)

UT researchers have been working collaboratively with fashion designers across the country in hopes of bringing these particles from the lab to the shelves, Ciarla said.

One of our jewelry designers is Diana Broussard and she's a New York designer who focuses on jewelry, shoes and some clothing, she said.

Carolyn Conrad, executive director of the Texas Museum of Science and Natural History, said the exhibit draws diverse crowds with common interests.

People really like certain dresses and the men's suit, which features all the colorful sequins, is especially notable, Conrad said. The other piece that people are so excited about is cowboy boots.

Conrad says the creation of the exhibition is representative of an emerging shift toward environmental consciousness in the industry.

Listening to our younger generations and seeing how they view sustainability and how they would put that into practice in their own creative design work, I think is really important, and getting a glimpse of what the future of the design industry looks like. fashion can involve, she said.

The pieces will remain on display until next spring, but Ciarla said participants are already asking to expand the exhibit beyond Central Texas.

I like this idea of ​​expanding it to another country or another state in America, she said. Even expanding the current selection we have here and possibly bringing in regional designers from the area we're exploring.

Top and pants for men created by Nikolaj Storm, a young street wear brand.  (Spectrum News 1/Tanya Velazquez)

Top and pants for men created by Nikolaj Storm, a young street wear brand. (Spectrum News 1/Tanya Velazquez)




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