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M&S's new £39.50 denim dress looks 'much more expensive' than it actually is

M&S's new £39.50 denim dress looks 'much more expensive' than it actually is
M&S's new £39.50 denim dress looks 'much more expensive' than it actually is


Denim dresses are bigger than ever this spring, so much so that a number of retailers including Marks & SpencerI can't keep them in stock.

In fact, they're so popular that when M&S launched its 39.50 Pure Cotton Denim Midi Dress in February, it sold out within days, quickly becoming the second best-seller in the entire women's clothing section. women online.

Did you miss your chance? Don't worry, the retail giant has launched a new version of the sales number that is arguably even better.

The brand new Ruffled Denim Button Front Midi Dress is also a very affordable 39.50 and is already racking up rave reviews.

Super versatile style and something you'll reach for again and again, it can be dressed up for everything from work trips to the office to nights out with friends. It's not just a summer dress, you can adapt it to fall and winter by simply layering thermals and bottoms underneath.

Marks & Spencer

This romantic take on Marks & Spencer's sold-out denim dress has a flattering cut and heavy denim fabric that gives it just the right amount of swing.

40 at Marks & Spencer

Why we rate it

Designed with a more feminine silhouette compared to the version launched earlier this year, M&S's latest denim choice features short puff sleeves, a rounded neckline with a buttoned bodice and a tiered mid-length skirt.

The romantic puff sleeves add height to the shoulders and, alongside the ruffled skirt, add structure and shape to the dress. Buyers I love how flattering it iswith some praising the heavy material which gives the dress just the right amount of swing.

The floaty skirt and buttoned front also help keep you cool when the temperature rises.

The new version is even better in our eyes, with a flattering and feminine ruffled skirt, all for the same affordable price.  (Marks & Spencer)The new version is even better in our eyes, with a flattering and feminine ruffled skirt, all for the same affordable price.  (Marks & Spencer)

The new version is even better in our eyes, with a flattering and feminine ruffled skirt, all for the same affordable price. (Marks & Spencer)

(Marks & Spencer)(Marks & Spencer)

Short puff sleeves add a little drama. (Marks & Spencer)

(Marks & Spencer)(Marks & Spencer)

Personalize the neckline with the buttoned front. (Marks & Spencer)

39.50 at M&S

Considering the importance of the material this dressthe price of 39.50 is a good deal for the quality: 100% cotton denim.

Dress it up with flashy cowboy boots, which are all the rage right now, and fun accessories for a bolder look, or stay cool and comfortable in sneakers. Anyway, this dress can do it all.

Also, we mentioned it has pockets?

We predict this dress will become your go-to for years to come, making it an investment piece that won't break the bank, but considering how quickly its predecessor sold out, we suggest take it as soon as you can before it inevitably disappears for good.

What the critics say

Buyers are already loving it this new denim dress. As it only recently launched, it only has 19 reviews on the website, but they are overwhelmingly positive so far and include mostly five-star ratings.

One shopper pointed out that the dress can be difficult to get on and off, while others recommended sizing up if you have a larger chest.

  • I love the heavy weight of denim, but I'm surprised no one has mentioned how difficult it is to get it on and off! I keep it because I think it will only be difficult twice a day.

  • I LOVE this dress! So so so nice! Lovely heavyweight denim, so good shape.

  • A lovely quality denim dress, very flattering, great price and true to size.

  • Looks much more expensive than 39.50, great quality dress. The denim has a nice weight so it fits well.

  • Beautiful thick denim with pockets. I love the cut and look of the dress. Size up if you are large.

Buy now: Ruffled Denim Button Front Midi Dress | 39.50 at Marks & Spencer

buy now

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(Marks & Spencer)(Marks & Spencer)

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(Marks & Spencer)(Marks & Spencer)

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