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Lehigh Fashion Collective puts style in the spotlight

Lehigh Fashion Collective puts style in the spotlight
Lehigh Fashion Collective puts style in the spotlight


The spontaneous decision of What should I wear today? is a daily occurrence for many people at Lehigh. The Lehigh Fashion Collective Club reminds students that the clothes they wear can be more than just a quick decision made when they get out of bed in the morning.

The club was founded by president Huy Nguyen, 26, earlier this semester. Although Nguyen has been drawn to fashion since he was a child, he had a deeper motivation for starting the club.

When I think of fashion, I think of it as an extension of who you are, Nguyen said.

When Nguyen arrived at Lehigh in 2022, he realized there was no existing community for fashion lovers. Recognition of this empty position gave birth to Nguyen's idea of ​​starting a fashion club. After gaining more experience and connections, he decided to start the Lehigh Fashion Collective Club during his sophomore year.

So far, the club has hosted events such as mood board designing, tote bag making and jewelry DIY activities. Its future events will include working with an on-campus book club.

Chelse Owate, 26, is an event planner for the club. Like Nguyen, her interest in fashion began before she was a student at Lehigh.

I have always been connected to fashion, Owate said. Growing up, my mother loved it.

She said her mother had a Saturday evening routine from carefully choosing her outfit to what accessories to wear the next day. Today, Owate uses what she wears as a form of self-expression and an unspoken expression of who she is.

Not only is fashion something accessible to everyone, but it (also) is something that can improve self-confidence and the connection you have with yourself, Owate said. It's what you put on your body every day.

As the club continues to grow, members passionate about the future and impact of the Lehigh Fashion Collective have been working behind the scenes.

Aliza Askari, 26, the club's social media president, works on creating posts, advertisements and recaps of club events. With her love for creating digital media, Askaris' position at Fashion Collective combines her interests in fashion and social media.

Coming from a small town where having a different fashion style wasn't a big priority, Askari said she wanted to be part of some kind of change.

“When I saw the electronic board app, I knew I had to do it,” Askari said.

While club members all share this common interest, Lehigh Fashion Collective provides an opportunity for students from various disciplines to come together and share their love for fashion, creativity and self-expression.

Owate, who is studying biochemistry, said people are sometimes surprised by his major. But they are even more surprised by the parallels she can draw between her studies and fashion.

I think that surprises some people, Owate said. I guess I tend to see more creatively, at least outwardly. I have always been a creative person in general and I think biochemistry suits me perfectly in that sense.

Just like the world of fashion, the field of biochemistry is constantly evolving and calls for innovation.

She said she believes the field requires innovation on a personal level, which shares something in common with fashion.

For Nguyen, Owate and Askari, fashion is not just a hobby, but something they hope to carry with them beyond college and continue to incorporate it into their lives, no matter what. career they are pursuing.

I think fashion is something you should have fun with, Nguyen said. What makes me happy is when people wear their clothes with a purpose.




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