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Best Sneakers for Men Under Rs. 9,999 to Elevate Style on a Budget |

Best Sneakers for Men Under Rs. 9,999 to Elevate Style on a Budget |
Best Sneakers for Men Under Rs. 9,999 to Elevate Style on a Budget |


India's sneaker culture has seen a remarkable transformation over the past decade. It was widely worn by the young and avant-garde generation. Shoes were once considered a basic necessity, but now they have become a dynamic fashion statement. Young Indians are embracing sneakerhead culture influenced by global trends, social media and celebrity influence.
And now, as the scene grows, young Indians are eager to experiment with a variety of styles, from high-tops to low-cuts, and from classic white to bright, vibrant colors. That's why we've put together a list of sleek and stylish sneakers that will make you stand out from the crowd. This article is your guide to selecting the trendiest and most affordable sneakers under 2000 rupees. So, are you ready to step up your sneaker game without breaking the bank?

Our favorites !

Best Sneakers for Men Under 2000 Approximately. Price on Amazon Amazon Notes
Red Tape Men's Casual Sports Shoes Rs. 1,119 4.2/5
US Polo Association Men's Abor Sneakers 1,891 rupees 3.6/5
Campus Men's Camp Torque Sneakers Rs. 1,234 4.0/5
Adidas Clinch-X M, Men's Running Shoe Rs. 1,777 4.0/5
Bacca Bucci Men's Comfortable Mid-High Casual Sneakers Rs. 1,499 3.9/5
Red Tape Men's Casual Sports Shoes Rs.1,679 4.0/5
Puma Men's Dazzler Sneaker Rs. 1,523 4.0/5

Red Tape Men's Casual Sports Shoes

Up your style game with these men's Red Tape casual sneakers. They are designed to keep you cool while still feeling very comfortable. The cushioned insole ensures your feet stay comfortable, even if you're in there all day. The non-slip TPR sole gives you the grip you need and prevents any accidents, falls or slips. These sports shoes are made from high quality PU material, making them durable and long lasting. If you want really comfortable and stylish sneakers, these are for you. Buy it now!

Main characteristics:

  • Designed for comfort and style
  • High-quality TPR soles ensure solid grip,
  • Made with premium PU material
  • Offers the best grip on the ground

User Feedback: Consumers value the fit, comfort, quality and appearance of shoes. They comment on how well made, stylish and well fitted it is. They appreciate the non-slip sole and the padded insole.

US Polo Association Men's Abor Sneakers

If you're looking for something with a brand statement and classic look, take a look at the US Polo Association men's Abor sneakers. These white sneakers are sleek and stylish, with the iconic US Polo stripes on the side. It has a lace-up closure that gives a sporty touch to your outfit. The sneakers feature a padded collar and cushioned insoles for added comfort, making them an ideal option for all-day wear. It also has incredible grip thanks to its rubber outsoles that prevent you from slipping. If you like stylish shoes that feel great on your feet, these sneakers are the perfect choice.

Main characteristics:

  • Lace closure
  • Perfect for everyday use
  • Not water resistant
  • The sole material is made from thermoplastic elastomers

User Feedback: Customers appreciate the comfort and appearance of the shoes. For example, they say it's beautiful and comfortable. That said, some complain about the ease of cleaning and durability.

Campus Men's Camp Torque Sneakers

If you're someone who prioritizes comfort over style, the men's Camp Torque sneakers from Campus are just what you need! These sneakers have a PU upper with a smooth stitched finish, giving them a sleek, polished look. And will it save you the embarrassment of slipping or falling? Absolutely yes! They have an anti-rubber outsole. The material is polyurethane, which makes the sneakers durable and easy to clean. Long story short, it's a perfect casual shoe. It's lightweight, comfortable, and stylish, making it a complete package for the amount of money.

Main characteristics:

  • Made of polyurethane
  • Lace-up closure style
  • No very
  • Not water resistant

User comments: Consumers are satisfied with the fit, quality, comfort and appearance of the shoes. For example, they notice how amazing the red is, how beautiful the color is, and how perfect the cut is.

Adidas Clinch-X M, Men's Running Shoe

With their superior design and construction, the Adidas Mens Clinch-X M Running Shoes will be your running companion. Whether you're running on the hills or on the treadmill. The mesh upper keeps your feet cool and ventilated while the IMEVA midsole with visible adiprene provides cushioning and protection against bumps and impacts while you run. The 3-Stripe design on the sides adds a touch of style and sophistication. It is one of the best running shoes. Just lace them up and you're done.

Main characteristics:

  • The material of the shoes is Mesh
  • Best used for running
  • Lace closure
  • Not water resistant
  • It has a breathable upper mesh
  • The midsole is Lightstrike IMEVAM
  • The outsole is made of EVA

User comments: Customers appreciate the quality, comfort, weight and value of the shoes. They mention that it is a good product, light and good value for money. They are also satisfied with the durability, appearance and performance. However, some customers are mixed on the fit.

Bacca Bucci Men's Comfortable Mid-High Casual Sneakers

If you're someone who likes to make a bold statement with your shoes, Bacca Bucci's Men's Comfy Chunky Sneakers are for you. With their unique design and solid color, these sneakers are sure to stand out. The mid-top style gives you extra support around the ankle and the rubber outsole ensures strong grip. The material of these shoes is polyurethane suede mesh textile, which makes them super comfortable and a perfect choice for everyday wear. So, if you want to stand out with style and comfort, these sneakers are a must-have.

Main characteristics:

  • Anti-collision toe design
  • Wear-resistant and resistant to folding
  • Non-breathable, breathable mesh
  • Goes with all dresses
  • Not water resistant

User comments: Consumers are satisfied with the comfort, style and manufacturing quality of the shoes. For example, they say that the product is attractive, comfortable and that its overall comfort is enhanced by its lightness.

Red Tape Men's Casual Sports Shoes

It must be said that these shoes are a perfect blend of style and comfort. Made with a high-quality polyurethane upper and a thermoplastic elastomer sole, these sneakers provide durability and stability. The lace-up closure ensures a secure fit, while the round toe shape adds to the comfort factor. The well-designed shape minimizes discomfort even with prolonged wear. So you're ready to go all day. The non-slip rubber sole will definitely save you from an embarrassing fall.

Main characteristics:

  • Comfortable fit
  • Non-slip sole
  • Stylish and versatile design
  • Material used PU and TPR
  • Suitable for various environments

User comments: Customers said this was an absolutely excellent product for the price. They mention that the design and fit are fabulous, the color is attractive and the shoes are very comfortable.

Puma Men's Dazzler Sneaker

Are you looking for a pair of sneakers that combine style, comfort and durability? Stop here because the Puma Dazzler sneakers for men are what you need. These sneakers feature a sleek design that adds a touch of sportiness to your everyday look, whether you're out for a casual stroll or hitting the gym. With the classic Puma Cat logo, these sneakers have timeless style. The rubber outsole and cotton outer material are simply excellent.

Main characteristics:

  • Comfortable to wear every day
  • Durable rubber outsole
  • Breathable mesh upper
  • Iconic Puma cat logo
  • Lightweight with adequate cushioning

User comments: As for customers, they said that this sneaker confirms Puma's reputation for quality, this pair is durable and well made. They also appreciated the adequate padding and support for all-day comfort. Overall, it's a fashionable and practical choice for everyday wear.
DISCLAIMER: At TOI, we keep you informed about the latest trends and products. The products listed have been well studied and researched and also match customer reviews. TOI is part of an affiliate partnership, which means we may receive a portion of the revenue from your purchases. Prices of products mentioned in the article are subject to change, depending on retailer offers.




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