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KIRUNDO striped dress will make you feel like a retro model


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Were madly heels vintage fashion! Looking at the many trends of decades past helps inspire our style today. It’s especially fascinating when some brands take a retro element and seamlessly update it for 2020.

The 1950s are known for their classic, clean clothing. There was talk of belted waist, large, flowing skirts and chic collared shirts. Sure, it’s easy to look old-fashioned when you channel this vibe, but these striped dresses are the completely modern version of this style!

KIRUNDO 2020 Checkered Plaid and Snake Striped Mini Summer Dress
KIRUNDO 2020 Checkered Plaid and Snake Striped Mini Summer Dress Amazon

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Get the KIRUNDO 2020 Checkered Plaid and Snake Striped Mini Summer Dress for prices starting at only $ 15, available on Amazon! Please note that prices are correct as of the posted date, August 5, 2020, but are subject to change.

These KIRUNDO dresses have an old-fashioned aesthetic, but look completely new and fresh at the same time. Instead of a traditional collar, this dress has a shorter one with a slight stand-up collar feel. The top of the dress is opened to create a V-neck and features buttons on the front.

Directly on the slimmest part of the waist, there is a built-in adjustable drawstring that you can tighten to accentuate your shape. The skirt then flows in an A-line style that is beyond flattering, whatever your body type! The look is incredibly chic and ideal for the end of summer.

KIRUNDO 2020 Checkered Plaid and Snake Striped Mini Summer Dress
KIRUNDO 2020 Checkered Plaid and Snake Striped Mini Summer Dress Amazon

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Get the KIRUNDO 2020 Checkered Plaid and Snake Striped Mini Summer Dress for prices starting at only $ 15, available on Amazon! Please note that prices are correct as of the posted date, August 5, 2020, but are subject to change.

Clearly these were the striped versions of this dress. You can choose it in blue or red, but if you’re looking for a different style, there are four more options! In addition to two prints inspired by snakeskin, two preppy gingham are now available. Each of the dresses has the same stylish design and one that will always be in fashion.

These dresses are made of 100% cotton, which makes them very comfortable and breathable. We’re seriously obsessed with this style and the way it allows you to channel your inner-Marilyn Monroe! If you’re looking to invest in a retro piece that’s still up-to-date, grabthis dress for the rest of the summer season!

See: Get it KIRUNDO 2020 Checkered Plaid and Snake Striped Mini Summer Dress for prices starting at only $ 15, available on Amazon! Please note that prices are correct as of the posted date, August 5, 2020, but are subject to change.

Not what you are searching for? Learn more styles of KIRUNDO and shop all clothing, shoes and jewelry available on Amazon! Remember to check everything Daily Deals from the Amazons!

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