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Simone Ashley's Sparkly Bridgerton Premiere Dress Is an Ode to '90s Naomi Campbell

Simone Ashley's Sparkly Bridgerton Premiere Dress Is an Ode to '90s Naomi Campbell
Simone Ashley's Sparkly Bridgerton Premiere Dress Is an Ode to '90s Naomi Campbell


It's been a little over a week since Simone Ashley attended her second Met Gala, and the buzz hasn't died down. It was an incredible experience, she shares with Vogue. Being invited back is a privilege and with each visit I learn more and more about fashion. Dazzling her fellow guests (and the internet), Ashley wore a midnight blue sequin dress by Prabal Gurung, with her floor-length hair a nod to paintings by Cher and Botticelli. From the Met red carpet to the New York premiere of her hit Netflix show The Bridgertons Season three Ashley was ready to dazzle in another standout ensemble on Monday night and this time, she stepped up the shine.

To attend the premiere alongside co-stars including Jonathan Bailey and Nicola Coughlan, Simone chose a stunning Prada look: a strapless, floor-length column crafted from a silver metallic fabric and adorned with intricate beading that shimmered as she she was moving. Ashley completed her look with silver sandals and classic silver earrings and rings, all adding up to a vision of sophisticated simplicity. So who was on the mood board? It was Naomi Campbell at the 1995 Met Gala in Versace couture, she reveals. I'm inspired to see someone with skin like mine own every look. Naomi's poise and presence is incredibly powerful to me.

The image may contain fashion clothing Dress Adult person Shoes Shoe Formal wear Wedding accessories Tie and dress

Simone looks heavenly in Prabal Gurung at the 2024 Met Gala.

Dia Dipasupil/Getty Images

Image may contain Gianni Nunnari Naomi Campbell Fashion Blazer Clothing Coat Jacket Dress Accessories and bag

Naomis Versace dress at the Met Gala in 1995 inspired Simone's first look, seen below.

Ron Galella, Ltd./Getty Images

As for glamour? Simone wanted her dress to be the center of attention. She opted for a sleek, slicked-back hairstyle and adopted a low-key, dewy makeup style. Even her nails, usually a canvas for playful expression, were minimalist. I often choose bold, fun nail colors like chrome, pastels or neon, but with such a statement dress, I wanted really natural nails, she explains. The simpler the overall look, the cooler the whole thing will look together.

After her character Kate Sharma fell in love with Anthony Bridgerton in season two, the spotlight turns to Penelope Featherington (Coughlan) and her eternal crush, globe-trotting Colin Bridgerton (Luke Newton) in the new season of The Bridgerton Chronicles. What can Kate fans expect this time around? She became softer, truly embodying a more adult woman, Simone reveals. But I'm delighted for everyone to see Nicola and Luke pull off their performances, they did an incredible job and I'm very proud of them.

Below, take a closer look at Simone's big night out in NYC.




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