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Destination XL marketing campaign focuses on clothes that actually fit you

Destination XL marketing campaign focuses on clothes that actually fit you
Destination XL marketing campaign focuses on clothes that actually fit you


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Diving brief:

  • Building on its previous marketing efforts, Destination XL Group, the leading men's clothing and footwear retailer, launched a multi-channel campaign focused on clothes that actually fit you, according to a Monday press release.
  • The company partnered with creative agency Barrett Hofherr and media agency Mediaassociates to showcase the retailer's ability to provide clothing tailored to this specialist shopper, in similar styles and quality to others retailers. The campaign is being tested in three markets.
  • Between May and the end of June, the retailer will run its ads in St. Louis, Detroit and Boston on TV and streaming platforms like Disney+, YouTube, Hulu and Pandora. The ads will last between six and 30 seconds, depending on the announcement.

Dive overview:

Destination XL Group is doubling down on its efforts to spread inclusive clothing messages, with a campaign CEO Harvey Kanter says focuses on simplicity, quality and fit. The retailer's current campaign is a continuation of the Wear What You Want brand positioning that began last year. This effort highlights the company's product assortment, quality and fit.

“We're excited to launch this new campaign and introduce DXL to even more tall men and everything we have to offer style, assortment and, most importantly, clothes that actually fit them,” said said Jim Reath, DXL's chief marketing officer, in a statement. Reath said the biggest concern in the plus-size market segment is achieving the perfect fit.

As Destination XL attempts to reach consumers through digital and traditional advertisements, the retailer is also expanding its physical and electronic presence. In March, the company announced plans to open nine stores this year. These new locations underscore our commitment to meeting our customers where they live, offering them a wide selection of styles that suit them perfectly, Kanter said in a statement at the time of the announcement.

The following month, Nordstrom launched its online marketplace, of which DXL is a partner. The collaboration marks an important step in extending DXLsfit's expertise and diverse selection of styles to a new underserved segment of the Big + Tall consumer, the company said in a press release.

In the company's latest results, it was reported that total fourth-quarter sales fell 4.7% year-over-year to $137.1 million, while comparable sales fell 10.1%. . Net income fell nearly 53% to $5.2 million.




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