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Luxury fashion brands collaborate with high-end cars

Luxury fashion brands collaborate with high-end cars
Luxury fashion brands collaborate with high-end cars


Porsche and Hugo Boss are collaborating together on a joint fashion collection and other initiatives.

Collaborations between companies from different areas of the luxury world have become a growing trend. Moti Elbaz, CEO of strategic marketing firm Sextus Code, commented: Such collaborations allow automakers to integrate luxury items, design and innovations from other areas into their cars, deepening the connection with customers and creating a pleasant and enhanced driving experience. Additionally, it allows businesses to reach new target audiences, expand their presence to wider markets and strengthen their brand.

The collaboration between Mercedes-Benz and Tommy Hilfiger illustrates the integration between the worlds of automobiles and fashion. Mercedes, a luxury car brand symbolizing quality, sought to rejuvenate and enrich the customer experience. Tommy Hilfiger, known for his youthful and colorful approach to fashion, offered the dynamism and innovation sought by Mercedes.

As part of this collaboration, unique Tommy designs have been incorporated into the cars, from the upholstery to the exterior visual elements, creating a vehicle that exudes freshness and innovation. Mercedes has managed to attract a new, younger audience who are very fashion-conscious.

The British automotive industry has always been closely linked to British royalty, from car manufacturers to car manufacturers. Jaguar and Land Rover are the royal family's car manufacturers, beloved by Queen Elizabeth II.

During the 70th celebration of the reign of Queen Elizabeth II, 26 Jaguar and Land Rover vehicles were presented, aligned with the royal family. Land Rover vehicles are associated not only with the royal family, but also with James Bond films, having featured in various films for 40 years. Celebrities like Paul McCartney, Kevin Costner, David Beckham, Sean Connery, Michael Jordan, Ralph Lauren and even the famous Jamaican Bob Marley are the proud owners of the iconic Land Rover Defender.

Over the years, Land Rover has carefully selected unique collaborations, such as with British hat designer Sir Paul Smith, creating a limited-edition iconic Defender model, and with watch maker Zenith, producing the capsule edition of the Zenith Chronograph El Primero Range Rover, combining lightness and extreme durability, matching the character of British car manufacturers.

Galit Einav, CEO of Eastern Importer, Land Rover and Jaguar in Israel, added: Land Rover and Jaguar have always strived to stay ahead of the curve, creating a unique quality mark that has earned them a fan base around the world. Land Rover and Jaguar have leveraged their adventurous nature to forge very unique collaborations, reflecting the very clear character of elegance, sophistication and royalty of the cars that enhance the experience of being a member of the Land club. Rover.

The world's leading eyewear brand Ray-Ban collaborates with the luxury car brand Ferrari. This winning collaboration creates interesting designs each season, merging the luxury and iconic status of both brands, resulting in unique designs honoring both brands. They constantly create exclusive and trendy collections, faithful to the brand's values. The Ferrari and Ray-Ban collections feature the logos of both brands, the iconic Ray-Ban logo and the Ferrari prancing horse logo, one of the most recognizable symbols in the world, signifying the highest quality.

The models are characterized by modern designs, slightly sporty but full of chic and elegance. Most models are metallic, combining materials like silicone, carbon fiber frames, and durable polycarbonate lenses. The Ferrari logo is delicately engraved on the left lens and the Ray-Ban logo on the right lens.

Recently, Lexus embarked on a collaboration with Beyonc: the Japanese luxury car brand teamed up with the beloved singer for a collaboration that includes sponsoring her tour, supporting the BeyGOOD Foundation charity and the integration into the lyrics of his new song TEXAS HOLDEM, featuring the Lexus brand.

As part of the collaboration, Lexus sponsored Beyoncé's Renaissance World Tour in the United States and the BeyGOOD Foundation, serving as the exclusive automotive industry partner. Lexus supported Beyoncé's non-profit initiative in helping minority-owned small businesses.

Porsche, the German symbol of luxury and performance in the automotive world, has chosen Hugo Boss as its fashion partner to create a collection of clothing reflecting the dynamism, power and elegance of the two brands. The collaboration included several elements: Hugo Boss becoming the official supplier of the Porsche racing team, a joint fashion collection aimed at the public consisting of clothing and accessories for women and men and, of course, joint marketing campaigns featuring focus on innovation, quality and unique design. of each. This collaboration combined Boss' modern aesthetic with Porsche's advanced technology, allowing both brands to benefit from each other's prestige.

Elbaz concludes: In an age where consumers not only seek to understand what a product offers, but also seek brand experience and identity, such collaborations emphasize shared values, doubling brand reputation and, ultimately, increasing income.




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