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Australian Paralympic Team uniform launched at Australian Fashion Week

Australian Paralympic Team uniform launched at Australian Fashion Week
Australian Paralympic Team uniform launched at Australian Fashion Week


The Australian Paralympic Teams uniform for Paris 2024 features some of the most innovative accessibility designs ever produced for an Australian representative team.

The official team outfit was unveiled on Friday on the final day of Australian Fashion Week in Sydney by some of the country's biggest parasport stars, including the co-captains of the Australian team for the Paris Games, the runner in wheelchair Angie Ballard and para-canoe gold medalist. Curtis McGrath medalist.

The event was hosted by great Paralympic swimmer Ellie Cole and attended by special guests including Federal Sports Minister Anika Wells.

It begins a weekend of celebration before the 100-day remaining mark on Monday.

For the opening ceremony on August 28, the Australian Paralympic team will be outfitted by RMWilliams, marking the eighth consecutive collaboration between Paralympics Australia and the popular Australian clothing brand.

The competition and casual wear was produced by Australian company Belgravia Apparel, which is joining the Australian Paralympic team as an apparel partner for the first time.

After listening to athlete feedback, Paralympics Australia worked closely with designers from both companies to incorporate a series of thoughtful modifications to meet a wide range of athlete needs.

Accessibility features include magnetic fasteners and zippers in place of buttons. Elasticated waistbands have been added to the shorts and pants for a more comfortable fit. Some shoes feature zippers instead of traditional laces, and casual sandals come in a wide range of fittings and styles to accommodate all types of disabilities.

“We are excited about these carefully crafted designs that ensure accessibility for every Paralympian,” said Australian Paralympic Team Chef de Mission, Kate McLoughlin.

When our Australian team parades down the Champs-Élysées and heads to the opening ceremony at Place de la Concorde, they will do so with pride in their RMWilliams uniform.

When they compete on the biggest stage of them all, they will do so in sportswear tailor-made by Belgravia to meet everyone's needs and demands.

This is truly an exceptional uniform that should give our athletes confidence at every stage of their Paralympic Games experience.

In addition to RMWilliams and Belgravia, Paralympics Australia's equipment partners include Birkenstock, Mizuno and Speedo.

Belgravia Group Founder and Chairman Geoff Lord said the company was delighted to partner with Paralympics Australia and provide competition and casual wear to the team for Paris 2024.

Our team worked tirelessly throughout the design and manufacturing process to ensure that every athlete received competition clothing tailored to their individual body shapes and disabilities, Lord said.

Our goal was to offer clothing that optimizes performance, freedom of movement and comfort. We wish the team the best of luck in their quest for Paralympic glory.

RMWilliams CEO Paul Grosmann said: “RMWilliams was founded on the principle of a personal connection with its customers, understanding their lifestyle and creating beautiful products that meet their needs.

We are proud to continue this legacy today and send Australian Paralympians to Paris in uniforms they can feel comfortable and confident in.

The uniforms feature The Journey design by artist Rheanna Lotter, a Yuin woman and founder of the Ngandabaa Aboriginal art collective.

The journey has become a hallmark of the Australian Paralympic team uniforms since Rio 2016. The design features eight circles to represent Australian states and territories, tracks to represent the bond between Paralympians and boomerangs to represent the challenges overcome during of the journey to the Games.
Other athletes who wore the uniform on Friday included:

  • Jamieson Leeson (Boccia)
  • Gordon Allan (para-cycling)
  • Al Viney (Para-rowing)
  • Amanda Reid (para-cycling)
  • Dan Michel (Boccia)
  • Lakeisha Patterson (para-swimming)
  • Stella Barton (Para-equestrian)
  • Tristan Knowles (Wheelchair Basketball)
  • Ameera Lee (para-archery)
  • Lauren Parker (paratriathlon)
  • Jed Altschwager (Para-rowing)
    The launch included a panel that discussed the intersection of fashion, athleisure and inclusivity.

By David Sygall, Australian Paralympics
Published on May 17, 2024




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