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Eva Longoria sparkles in an Elie Saab dress at the 2024 Cannes Film Festival

Eva Longoria sparkles in an Elie Saab dress at the 2024 Cannes Film Festival
Eva Longoria sparkles in an Elie Saab dress at the 2024 Cannes Film Festival


Eva Longoria arrived for the screening of “Kinds of Kindness” at the 77th Cannes Film Festival on Friday in a floor-length dress from Elie Saab’s spring 2024 couture collection.

CANNES, FRANCE – MAY 17: Eva Longoria attends the

Eva Longoria

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The “Flamin' Hot” director walked the festival's red carpet in a sparkling dress adorned with small crystals and pearls. Each bead formed a crisscross draped effect on the center front. Additionally, Longoria's dress featured a plunging V-neckline, a backless set of straps, and a small train.

CANNES, FRANCE – MAY 17: Eva Longoria attends the

Eva Longoria

Getty Images

Elie Saab's spring 2024 couture collection featured a number of looks with similar embroidery, pastel colorways and fitted silhouettes. Additionally, several of the pieces featured during the designer's presentation were adorned with beaded textiles, using the material to create appliques of faux lace, printed piping and fringe.

CANNES, FRANCE – MAY 17: Eva Longoria attends the

Eva Longoria

Getty Images

For Longoria's style, the star kept her long, dark tresses swept over her shoulders in a loose wave pattern and a clean center part. Additionally, Longoria wore modern makeup, using bold lashes, a natural lip shade and a touch of silver eyeshadow to accentuate the bright hue of her dress. To complete her ensemble, the star wore a pair of double-buckle rolled silver platform sandals from Santoni.

This isn't the first time Longoria has been spotted in an Elie Saab dress, having worn the designer on the Cannes Film Festival red carpet last year. The star arrived at the premiere of “The Old Oak” in a sheer white dress from the brand's spring 2023 haute couture collection. The dress, constructed from a combination of nude illusion tulle and interwoven latticework, was intricately detailed with microcrystals and gold silk thread.

See more stars on the red carpet at the “Kinds Of Kindness” premiere at the 2024 Cannes Film Festival below.

See more stars on the

The Cannes Film Festival is an annual film festival held in Cannes, which premieres new films from around the world. The 77th edition takes place from May 14 to 25. American filmmaker Greta Gerwig chairs the jury for the main competition, while French actress Camille Cottin hosts the opening and closing ceremonies. “Kinds of Kindness”, “Oh, Canada”, “The Apprentice”, “Megalopolis” and “Furiosa” are some of the films presented at the festival this year.

See more stars on the 2024 Cannes Film Festival red carpet below.

See more stars on the 2024 Cannes Film Festival red carpet below.




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