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Eva Longoria Embraces Dopamine in a Yellow Sequin Dress in Cannes

Eva Longoria Embraces Dopamine in a Yellow Sequin Dress in Cannes
Eva Longoria Embraces Dopamine in a Yellow Sequin Dress in Cannes


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Eva Longoria has fully embraced the Cannes lifestyle, even matching her latest outfit to the sunny climate of the French Riviera.

The actor looked radiant as she stepped out on Saturday morning, wearing an intricately detailed bodycon yellow dress with matching sequins and white pearls. The slightly see-through dress featured a square neckline and barely-there straps, including one that wrapped around Longoria's neck like a piece of jewelry. Catching the light, the dress shimmered with every step she took with shiny silver heels.

Cannes, France May 18 Eva Longoria is seen at the Martinez Hotel during the 77th Cannes Film Festival on May 18, 2024 in Cannes, France Photo by Jacopo Raulegc ImagesCannes, France May 18 Eva Longoria is seen at the Martinez Hotel during the 77th Cannes Film Festival on May 18, 2024 in Cannes, France Photo by Jacopo Raulegc Images

Jacopo Raulé

Longoria accessorized with small diamond-studded hoop earrings and silver rings, taking care to show off her signature nude chrome nails which she also paired with a . She wore her brown hair with caramel highlights in a half-up, half-down hairstyle and completed her look with bronzed makeup and matte mauve lipstick.

Cannes, France May 17 Eva Longoria attends the Genres of Kindness red carpet at the 77th annual Cannes Film Festival at the Palais des Festivals on May 17, 2024 in Cannes, France Photo by Gisela Schobergetty ImagesCannes, France May 17 Eva Longoria attends the Genres of Kindness red carpet at the 77th annual Cannes Film Festival at the Palais des Festivals on May 17, 2024 in Cannes, France Photo by Gisela Schobergetty Images

Gisèle Schober

Her sparkling look follows another from the day before, when the actor wore a shimmering Elie Saab Spring/Summer 24 Couture dress to the film's premiere. Kinds of Kindness. Never one to shy away from a bold silhouette, Longoria showed off her curves in the frosty pink mermaid-style gown, which featured a plunging V-neckline as well as meticulously placed crystal and pearl beading. Each bead formed a crisscross draped effect on the skirt.

To complement the bold cut, Longoria paired the dress with diamond drop earrings and a pink diamond necklace, both from Pasquale Bruni jewelry. She paired the look with silver laminated double buckle platform sandals from Santoni. And like a true Hollywood starlet, she styled her hair in bouncy curls and opted for smoky black eyeliner, brick red blush and a glossy pink lip.

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