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Denver Fashion Week Launches Bridal Show

Denver Fashion Week Launches Bridal Show
Denver Fashion Week Launches Bridal Show


Denver Fashion Week (DFW) Made History With Its First Bridal Fashion Show. The event was a great occasion, hosted by Erica Lopez from 9News and Kylie Bearse from Fox Newsboth dressed by a wedding designer, Black Beast.

READ: Denver Fashion Week hosts first-ever bridal party

Winners of the DFW Entertainer Challenge, Death Wish, an alternative rock-inspired group, provided entertainment for the evening. They played two original songs and popular renditions of Nirvana and The Weeknd, adding to the excitement of the evening.

The show featured a selection of Denver's top wedding designers, each showcasing their unique take on wedding fashion.

Bte Noire

Bte Noire opened the show with their avant-garde gothic designs. Their collection featured a striking palette of black and red, with huge dresses adorned with ruffles and sequins. Specialized in headdresses and veilsBte Noire added a touch of drama to the podium.

“I always go down a dark and brooding path but, there are things tonight that we've never done before. And I would say it kind of symbolizes my heart and being alive and healing and just overcome adversity,» Alicia Rau, the creator of Bte Noiresaid

The evening was not without dark moments, like the Bte Noire show paid tribute to model Amya Aubrielle Addams, died tragically the previous week. Addams was scheduled to walk the catwalk in a stunning Bte Noire gown, and her absence was acknowledged by everyone in attendance. A moment of applause was extended in her honor, a poignant reminder of her influence on the Denver fashion world.

Mokem men's clothing

Mokem men's clothingwith drawings from El Salvadorfollowed at DFW Bridal with unique and unconventional menswear.

The collection included a wide range of cuts, colors and shapes, with standout items such as pink, brown and sage suits with elaborate stitching and even capes, showcasing the brand's unique approach to men's clothes.

Runaway bride

Runaway bride offered a more traditional approach to bridal fashionfocusing on the white bridal outfit.

Their selection included fitted suits, mermaid and princess cut dresses, and huge puffy skirts adorned with sequins and lace to make every bride feel beautiful on her wedding day.

Rachel Marie Hurst

Rachel Marie Hurstthe collection was inspired by a rare and non-traditional love and featured high and low billowing skirts layered with various fabrics. Glittering accessories, such as a variety of shoes, lend a whimsical element to her designs. Many of Hurst's creations are truly almost Marie-Antoinette inspired, with pastel pinks and purples and lots of ribbon bows.

“I wanted to examine the quirks of love, and my husband and I have been together for 16 to 17 years and we haven't done it in a conventional way,” Hurst said. “So you'll see things that you wouldn't normally see, because my bride tends to be more non-traditional. Hurst was motivated to develop bridal designs that represent a contemporary young girl who wants to march to the beat of her own drum.

D'Lola Couture

D'Lola Couture brought a classic reinvention of traditional wedding dresses to the runway. Their collection included beautiful silky dresses with huge bows, lots of lace trimmings and pearly accessories, creating a timeless and elegant look.

“My line is made for the bride who can't decide, She goes to all the bridal stores and she says 'I want something different'” D'Lola Couture designer Deedee Vicory-Corn said.

Vicory-Corn created a line that would be different and unique, but not stray too far from the bridal realm, with her personal favorites being the all-white romper look, bow accessories and trains.

Tara Day Couture

Tara Day Couture created a non-traditional bridal collection with beautifully culturally inspired dresses and intricate headpieces and braids. Jeweled fabrics, finely stitched skirts, feather details and ribbons added a royal touch to the collection.


The closing of the show was SKYE|AIRE, who mixed a mix of different colors, patterns and fabrics into their non-traditional collection. It featured beautiful accessories such as large headpieces and dangling earrings, with three pieces featuring huge black satellite hats/rings around the models' chests and heads, in a sleek black and white dress, showcasing designer Skye Barker Maa's signature style.

“I wanted to create a line that relates to families who don't have a big fairy tale, princess wedding or one that doesn't involve a giant white dress, or maybe even being LGBTQ+,” said Barker Maa, “I was just pushing back against the traditional shapes or structures that you typically see at a wedding.”

DFW's first-ever bridal fashion show was a stunning display of creativity and talent, showcasing a diverse range of bridal fashion styles and trends. The event was a celebration of love, fashion and art, in the heart of Denver, and highlighted the importance of inclusivity and innovation in the world of bridal fashion.

Photography by Weston Mosburg




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