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I'm a Fashion Snob and I'm Eyeing These Expensive Target Finds

I'm a Fashion Snob and I'm Eyeing These Expensive Target Finds
I'm a Fashion Snob and I'm Eyeing These Expensive Target Finds


It's no secret to my friends and family that I'm the group's resident stylist. Everyone comes to me for fashion advice, and I love giving it, especially if I can point them toward clothes, accessories, and shoes that look expensive but are secretly affordable.

The retailer I constantly keep up to date on is Target, and its new releases for summer are worth adding to your programming. With so many comfortable trends at the forefront this year (think: Zendayas' tenniscore looks during the Challengers press tour, tailored vests, and elevated loungewear), you can style them all with pieces at Target.

Keep scrolling to see the 14 finds I recommend to all my friends (and myself) to bulk out my wardrobe for summer. The best part? Everything is under $45.

Summer fashion can be found for under $45 at Target

Wild Fable ButterBliss Keyhole Knit Mini Dress


Tenniscore is all the rage lately, and we can thank Zendaya's glamorous, sporty look on the red carpet at the Challengers press tour. To lean into activewear style, I'm looking at this knit mini dress that can be dressed up or down with sneakers or sandals. According to buyers, it's buttery soft, lightweight and comfortable, and I can wear it with a denim jacket at night for an easy, understated look.

A New Day Soft Crossbody Handbag


I recently received this soft shoulder bag cream colored, and it has quickly become one of my new favorites. Not only is it reminiscent of a certain designer version that sells for thousands of dollars, but it's soft, very roomy, and goes with pretty much everything in my closet. I was shocked that it only cost $30 because I really would have paid more for it.

A New Day Jonie sandals with ankle strap and insole


I've been obsessed with Dad's sandals since last summer and I was particularly swooning over one Prada pair at $1,290, but I couldn't bring myself to shell out the money for them. Luckily, Target has plenty of shoe options that look high-end, including these. Jonie sandals, which offer the same chunky silhouette at a fraction of the price. Many reviewers talk about how comfortable they are, including one buyer who said they didn't need any break-in period.

A New Day Quarter-Zip Mock Turtleneck Sweater


My style has definitely leaned toward the preppier side this spring, and I have no plans to stop for summer. There's something so simple about wearing a basic tee layered with a classic sweater on my shoulders that makes me feel like I belong in the Cape. This 1/4 zip turtleneck is the perfect piece to wear over dresses when temperatures drop at night.

Keep scrolling for more summer fashion finds. I'm looking for under $45 on Target.

Wild Fable ButterBliss Mini Skort


Bennie A New Day Buckle Slide Sandals


A tailor-made New Day suit vest


A New Day mini straw bucket bag





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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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