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Jake Gyllenhaal performs Boyz II Mens End Of The Road on SNL

Jake Gyllenhaal performs Boyz II Mens End Of The Road on SNL
Jake Gyllenhaal performs Boyz II Mens End Of The Road on SNL


Jake Gyllenhaal kicked off the season finale of Saturday Night Live with a rousing rendition of an R&B hit.

Gyllenhaal hosted the late-night sketch show for the third time on May 18 alongside musical guest Sabrina Carpenter, for the show's season 49 finale.

The Brokeback Mountain star mocked for hosting the last show before SNL celebrated its 50th season in its musical monologuejokingly, I mean, when you think of historical television seasons, the first number that comes to mind is 49.

I mean, sure, you know, one more episode and I would have been hosting the 50th season premiere, but who cares? he added. 49 is a big number. I mean, 7 x 7, classic… And 49 is the number of times Conor McGregor accidentally hit me during Road House.

Although it was only a short episode of SNL season 50, Gyllenhaal said he was still honored to host the season 49 finale.

I did some research, I learned that SNL always brings out the big guns to host the last episode before the big anniversary season, he said. Do you know who hosted the season 9 finale? Mayor Ed Koch.

He added: I know we're all waiting for season 50, but you can't get to 50 without a little bit of 49. And there we were at the finale, at the end of the road.

Gyllenhaal fittingly launched into a rendition of Boyz II Men's iconic song, End of the Road, adjusting the lyrics to fit the theme of the night's finale.

You know, I was actually SNL's first choice to host the finale after a lot of people said no, the actor recited. I guess they're all holding out for the 50th. But not me, not little JG. I was the one who said yeah.

Gyllenhaal became more and more passionate about his performance as the monologue continued, singing “They asked Pedro Pascal, but he wasn't there.” Zendaya said she had no reason to leave town. I even asked Gosling to come back, he's just hosted three shows!

Jake Gyllenhaal showed off his singing skills on the SNL main stage.
Jake Gyllenhaal showed off his singing skills on the SNL main stage.Saturday night live / YouTube

Kenan Thompson, Ego Nwodim, Punkie Johnson and Devon Walker all joined Gyllenhaal on stage in matching white cardigans and khaki shorts as they belted out the song's chorus.

Thompson even chimed in with his own verse, singing, And girl, we did a lot of sketches this year, and most of them were good. This is definitely one of the best 48 seasons, season 49.

Gyllenhaal made one last attempt to hype the season 49 finale, but he was immediately shot down by Nwodim.

It's been 49 years, more than 900 shows, costumes and wigs and a room full of shots, belted Gyllenhaal before taking up the chorus. So many stars have walked through that door, so here's 49 more.

The performance went full Boyz II Men when Jake Gyllenhaal was joined by Kenan Thompson, Ego Nwodim, Devon Walker and Punkie Johnson.
The performance went full Boyz II Men when Jake Gyllenhaal was joined by Kenan Thompson, Ego Nwodim, Devon Walker and Punkie Johnson.Saturday night live / YouTube

Gyllenhaal also showed off his singing skills later in the show in the Beautiful girls sketch.

He took on the role of Billy Harper, accompanied on stage by his beautiful daughters, Nwodim, Chloe Fineman and Sarah Sherman, all dressed in beaded costumes adorned with feathered headdresses.

However, the song also evolved to feature his handsome boys, leading several cast members, including Bowen Yang, Marcello Hernndez, and Andrew Dismukes, to join him on stage, all dressed in beige civilian clothing.

On social media, fans shared their reactions to Gyllenhaal's musical performances during the episode, with several cast members being shocked that the actor could sing.

Jake Gyllenhaal sang on SNL, a tweet on the social media site X read. I didn't know he could sing like that.

Another user on X added, WaitJake Gyllenhaal can sing?

One fan responded to the shock of other viewers: in writingEvery time new people find out that Jake Gyllenhaal can sing, I just want to link them to videos of him performing the lead role in Sunday in the Park with George, which was a West End revival of an award-winning musical play. Pulitzer Prize.

Other fans have expressed their desire to see Gyllenhaal take on more musical roles, with one fan TweeterI need Jake Gyllenhaal to star in a musical immediately.

Jake Gyllenhaal, we'll get you this Tony, another fan wrote.

A user on X even joked: All the executives are currently preparing their musicals because they are just discovering that Jake Gyllenhaal can sing.

Gyllenhaal has previously shown off his musical abilities on SNL, making an appearance in March 2020 during one of John Mulaney's musical sketches, Airport Sushi.

The actor sang the song Enjoy Security, spoofing Defying Gravity while lovingly singing about being searched by the TSA.




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