How the functional down jacket became a must-have in men's fashion

THE BIGGEST CHANGEMen's fashion in recent memory doesn't come from the catwalk, nor from celebrity culture. Instead, the biggest disruption in the way men dress has been inspired by the great outdoors, or the type of clothing we wear when braving the elements, to be precise.
The outdoorification of men's fashion is so powerful that an entire trend is named after it. According to a2021Squirearticle, Gorpcore refers to technical adventure clothing and accessories worn in a fashion setting. Gorp, he continues, represents good old raisins and peanuts. Yes, that's the mix of trails you could hike.
It makes sense that fashionistas would want to trade in their suit jackets for something more comfortable and practical. Due to the fact that they are designed to keep us warm in cold weather and dry in the rain, outdoor gear is the definition of wearable. But of all the items that fall under the Gorpcore moniker, from trail running sneakers, to cargo shorts, to wraparound sunglasses with polarized lenses, it's the quilted down jacket that has proven to be the most versatile and elegant of all.
Today, you're just as likely to spot someone wearing one at fashion week as you are at Everest base camp. Puffer jackets, or puffer jackets, as we like to call them, have become a non-negotiable piece in the wardrobes of men around the world. Especially those of us who live down under, where four seasons in one day isn't a cliché.
The value of a good down jacket is something Liam Lawson understands well. Raised in Aotearoa, Red Bull Racing's Formula 1 reserve driver is no stranger to the ferocity of the elements. He started karting on the tracks around Auckland at the age of seven and today, as he goes from Formula 1 circuit to Formula 1 circuit, a down jacket is something he he never forgets to pack.
But not all down jackets are equal, and Lawsons' favorite brand is a name Australian and New Zealand adventurers know well: Kathmandu.
Like most Kiwis, I've had a Kathmandu jacket since I was a kid. . . I remember my school friend showing up one day with a down jacket from Kathmandu and I loved it. I've wanted one ever since, says LawsonSquire. My mother took me to another store to buy a down jacket that wasn't Kathmandu, and I was devastated. [But] I finally got my hands on one.
Lawson says he never looked back. And we weren't surprised, because Kathmandu's down jackets achieve what so few brands have managed to achieve: the perfect balance between fashion and function.
There is, however, one style that Lawson and Kathmandus, among style-conscious adventurers, value the most, and that's the Epiq Down Jacket. According to the young driver, even the freezing temperatures of the Las Vegas Grand Prix do not bother him in his Epiq.

Liam Lawson, Formula 1 reserve driver for Red Bull Racing, in the new Epiq SE down jacket from Kathmandus. Photography courtesy of Kathmandu
Given his true love for the brand and his reputation as one of style's emerging talents, it makes sense that Kathmandu would partner with Lawson for the launch of a pioneering new update to its Epiq range : Epiq SE Down Jacket. Just like Kathmandu, the young driver who is quickly making a name for himself in F1, after competing in five races last season, is pushing the limits and seeking innovation, which makes him the perfect ambassador for this new special edition of the heritage of Kathmandu. inflator.
The Epiq SE is stylish, Lawson says. I continue to discover my personal style and can't wait to tackle the world of fashion. I’m excited about my first step into this scene alongside another local Kiwi.
With Lawson on board as the face of this new update to Katmandus' most popular vacuum cleaner, you can expect to see the Epiq SE being adopted by cool guys around the world; the kind who wants to look good while knowing their outfit is practical. Because while the Epiq SE is very durable, water-repellent and lightweight, it's also made from a recycled ripstop exterior that feels silky and soft to the touch. And just like Lawson did in the new Epiq SE campaign, you can wear the jacket with camo-print pants for the streets, or an all-black outfit when the occasion calls for you to look super stylish.
It's no wonder that the modest down jacket has become a men's fashion staple. And it's even less surprising that Kathmandu makes it one of the most desirable versions on the market.
The Kathmandu Epic SE is available in all Kathmandu stores and onlineNOW. Learn more about Katmandus' partnership with Liam Lawsonhere.
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