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Fashion Designer Adam Lippess Bucolic Berkshires Home Tour

Fashion Designer Adam Lippess Bucolic Berkshires Home Tour
Fashion Designer Adam Lippess Bucolic Berkshires Home Tour


Some furniture was repurposed in her parents' home – her father, a lawyer and entrepreneur, is another avid collector with a discerning eye – as well as in her former New York apartments. For example, in the poolhouse living room, an 1840s Comtoise clock from his mother and a Jean Royre marble table, purchased at Bonhams, once anchored the living room floor of his former Washington Square Park duplex (ANNOUNCEMENT, September 2014). Meanwhile, the grayish-pink hue covering the walls of Casa Sandra's dining room, Farrow & Balls Setting Plaster, covered nearly every inch of her and Farnsworth's address in Brooklyn Heights (ANNOUNCEMENT, July/August 2019), which they gave up during the pandemic. Looking at the three houses side by side, one can trace the evolution of Lippe's taste, which he attributes largely to observing the great masters of decoration and what they did, naming Oscar and Annette de la Renta, Renzo Mongiardino and Georges Geffroy as primary influences.

The kitchen is clad in Cottage tiles in Dover White from Waterworks.  18th century Italian painted library table Austrian...

The kitchen is covered with Cottage tiles in Dover White by Aqueduct. 18th century Italian painted library table; Austrian firm Biedermeier.

Illustration: Patrick Demarchelier/Trunk Archive. Robert Wilson/RW Work Ltd.

Paper cardinal larkspur plant

Ralph Lauren Anette bookcase lamp

In the rooms, a glut of patterned, runway-ready textiles, many designed by Lippes, who harbors ambitions to one day launch fabrics for the home, adorn the four-poster beds, walls and, in the suite main feature, the ceiling, which is covered in a Robert Kime floral print. . Visual palate cleansers also abound. In the sun-drenched kitchen, Lippes decorated every surface with dove-white Waterworks tiles. And next door, in the formal dining room, a 1950s FontanaArte glass table brightens the space. I like to mix everything up, he says.

In addition to antiques, the furniture here includes accessories and fabrics from his collection with OKA. His clothing stores, including new storefronts in Houston and, since last August, in Palm Beach, also sell antique decorative items that he has personally purchased. My only problem is not keeping everything to myself, Lippes admits of the retail model.

Although revealing the rambling interiors of the main house, it is the estate's poolhouse, a stone path beyond the formal English garden and an avenue of lilacs, that is perhaps the most intimate of all. A veritable Petit Trianon, the hillside building that Lippes modeled after Hubert de Givenchy Le Jonchet's orangery includes a bedroom, a bathroom and a work space. A refuge within the greatest refuge, where the designer, whose eponymous brand recently celebrated its 10th anniversary, will do what he calls creative, thoughtful work, a meditative nod to the frenetic days he spends in town and traveling every week. Once behind his 18th-century Swedish desk, contemplating creamy panels created by a master plasterer from Buckingham Palace that he found twenty years ago on a trip to London, and surrounded by his collection of books, he It's a wonder that he never leaves.




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