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Bella Hadid wears a keffiyeh dress in solidarity with Palestine

Bella Hadid wears a keffiyeh dress in solidarity with Palestine
Bella Hadid wears a keffiyeh dress in solidarity with Palestine


Model Bella Hadid made a political fashion statement at the Cannes Film Festival this week, wearing a dress reminiscent of the headscarf known around the world as a symbol of solidarity with Palestine.

On Thursday, Hadid stepped out wearing a vintage red and white dress adorned with the striking plaid pattern and fringe of a keffiyeh scarf, a nod to her Palestinian heritage. (Although the ruffled, spaghetti-strap asymmetrical dress looks a bit more like a shemagh, the keffiyeh's more complex cousin.)

Pictured grabbing an ice cream during a stroll along the French Riviera, the model and perfume designer completed her ensemble with red Gucci mules, gold hoop earrings and rimless rectangular sunglasses .

She styled her hair in a sleek ponytail accented with a wispy white hair tie and opted for a vibrant, minimalist look against her skin.

The star, whose support for Palestinian liberation predates the current conflict with Israel, acknowledged the significance of her outfit while giving an online shoutout to fashion designers Michael Sears and Hushi Mortezaie, of the Michael and Hushi brand, later in the day.

Bella Hadid dons a vintage keffiyeh print dress while in France for the 2024 Cannes Film Festival on Wednesday.
Bella Hadid dons a vintage keffiyeh print dress while in France for the 2024 Cannes Film Festival on Wednesday.

Jacopo Raule via Getty Images

Reposting an image of the original 2001 drawing on her Instagram Story, she tagged the creators and wrote, “Liberate Palestine forever,” alongside a Palestinian flag emoji.

Since the start of the Israeli offensive in Gaza, which has killed some 34,000 people, Hadid has repeatedly expressed support for the Palestinians in Gaza.

Last October, following the Oct. 7 Hamas attack that killed 1,200 Israelis and sparked the latest violence, the model expressed sympathy for Palestinian and Israeli victims of the violence.

I believe in my heart that no child, or person, anywhere should be taken from their family, whether temporarily or indefinitely. This goes for both Israelis and Palestinians, she wrote on Instagram.

Hadid's father, real estate developer Mohamed Hadid, was born in Nazareth during the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. He described how his family was forced to flee their home when he was a baby, taking refuge in Syria before immigrate to the United States. States during adolescence.




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