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Louis Vuitton fashion show goes awry: Protesters clash with police after Barcelona park closed for show featuring Sophie Turner, Jennifer Connelly and Ana de Armas

Louis Vuitton fashion show goes awry: Protesters clash with police after Barcelona park closed for show featuring Sophie Turner, Jennifer Connelly and Ana de Armas


Dramatic clashes broke out between police and protesters near a famous Barcelona park after it closed today for a private fashion event.

Chaotic scenes showed friction between baton-wielding police and residents rallying against the use of public property for a Louis Vuitton fashion show earlier in the day, with stars from around the world arriving to show off the Cruise collection. 'next year.

Emma Stone, Sophie Turner, Jennifer Connelly and Ana de Armas were among the big names welcomed by the French luxury brand to show its 2025 range in the Catalan capital this week, as organizers were accused of “privatizing” the space audience.

Shocking video shows protesters being pushed back by masked police in riot gear as they raged against Louis Vuitton's use of historic Gell Park, with critics expressing opposition to both the event itself and to the disturbances he causes in the city for days.

Angry over alleged damage caused by organizers to the park's historic marches, Catalan Mossos police made several arrests after protesters blocked a vehicle from entering, according to local media claims.

Matters came to a head on Thursday when huge crowds waving banners surrounded the police, who were seen shoving residents and beating a man to the ground after he kicked him.

Clashes between police and protesters during a demonstration in front of Park Guell in Barcelona, ​​Spain, Thursday May 23, 2024.

Clashes between police and protesters during a demonstration in front of Park Guell in Barcelona, ​​Spain, Thursday May 23, 2024.

Aman is arrested by police during a demonstration against the Louis Vuitton fashion show

Aman is arrested by police during a demonstration against the Louis Vuitton fashion show

Models present creations from the Louis Vuitton Cruise 2025 collection by French designer Nicholas Ghesquière, in Barcelona

Models present creations from the Louis Vuitton Cruise 2025 collection by French designer Nicholas Ghesquière, in Barcelona

Clashes between police and demonstrators during a demonstration in front of Gell Park in Barcelona on May 23.

Clashes between police and demonstrators during a demonstration in front of Gell Park in Barcelona on May 23.

A neighborhood council reported damage during

A neighborhood council reported damage during “works” on the Louis Vuitton fashion show

Police officers were seen in harrowing footage savagely beating demonstrators as they gathered to protest the event.

In one video, the crowd appears to shuffle forward before one man is pushed back with a baton, screaming in pain.

The group, some of whom appear with cameras, appear to move away from police in an apparent attempt to defuse the situation before violence erupts again.

A police officer appears to push a woman towards the crowd, who falls on him.

It is unclear from the clip whether she is being pushed by the large mass of people behind her or whether she is moving forward of her own accord.

The officer responded quickly by attacking the encroaching crowd with his baton, before violently pushing the woman into the crowd.

A man in a gray T-shirt stands next to the woman, then lunges at the officer, who hits another person with his baton in the melee.

The man in gray dives with a wild kick but finds himself in the center of eight police officers, all masked and all armed with batons, who surround him and drag him away from the crowd.

Officers punch officers in the confusion and projectiles are thrown in their direction as tension rises.

The man in gray is then seen on the ground with his arms behind his back, while some officers walk in circles while others try to manage the crowd.

In more peaceful scenes, protesters were seen staging a parody parade on the Travessera de Dalt road, through the Grcia neighborhood, to applause from passers-by.

A journalist from the Catalan channel Rac 1 claimed that a person had been arrested by the authorities and taken to the police station.

“Before there had been moments of tension and there had been accusations from the police,” Rac journalist Mar Poyato wrote this evening on Twitter/X.

The outlet claimed preparations ahead of the event damaged one of the historic city's staircases, sparking outrage.

On Grcia's makeshift podium, a bearded man crossed the street and returned in a red dress bared from both shoulders, with an improvised lace net over his face.

Another protester in a black coat with “ACAB” (All Cops Are B******s) on the back joined the march, followed by a black cape.

And a third person dressed in a vibrant green jacket and black sunglasses also walked by confidently, seemingly ridiculing Louis Vuitton's statement party.

The event itself is one of several organized by the luxury fashion brand for the 37th America's Cup, hosted this year in the creative hub of Barcelona and sponsored by the brand.

Among the attendees was Bernard Arnault, owner and CEO of LVMH, who this year retained his place as the world's richest man, worth a staggering $206 billion according to Forbes.

On Wednesday, dozens of people came to complain about the event, deeming it “privatizing public space”, as the newspaper reported. Catalan news.

ParkGell was completed in 1914, approximately 14 years after it was first drafted under the direction of Catalan entrepreneur Eusebi Gell.

A banner near Park Güell indicates

A banner near Park Güell reads “Louis Vuitton is coming home” during the May 23 event.

Protesters clash with Mossos police in Barcelona during demonstrations around the fashion show on May 23.

Protesters clash with Mossos police in Barcelona during demonstrations around the fashion show on May 23.

Police officer hits crowd members as they appear to push back amid clashes

Police officer hits crowd members as they appear to push back amid clashes

British actress Sophie Turner poses for photos as she arrives at Louis Vuitton's Cruise 2025 collection presentation today.

British actress Sophie Turner poses for photos as she arrives at Louis Vuitton's Cruise 2025 collection presentation today.

Officials stand guard at the historic park amid days-long clashes with protesters on May 22.

Officials stand guard at the historic park amid days-long clashes with protesters on May 22.

Gell aimed to “recreate British residential parks”, even naming the site in English, with views over the Barcelona Plain and the adjacent Mediterranean.

At first, private plots were sold in small quantities, but the lack of buyers ultimately led to the abandonment of work in 1914.

The park was thus reserved for major public events as a sort of private garden for Gell, before being sold to the Town Hall by his heirs after his death in 1918.

Since 1926, the park has been designated a municipal park and is now home to the Gaud House Museum, both recognized as important objects of local culture in their own right.

In 1984, the park was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site.




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