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Groom Divides the Internet by Nearly Ruining His Bride's Dress, Hair and Makeup at $200,000 Luxury Destination Wedding Reception

Groom Divides the Internet by Nearly Ruining His Bride's Dress, Hair and Makeup at 0,000 Luxury Destination Wedding Reception
Groom Divides the Internet by Nearly Ruining His Bride's Dress, Hair and Makeup at 0,000 Luxury Destination Wedding Reception


  • Cole Hennessey posted a TikTok video of him splashing champagne on his fiancée
  • He deleted the video, but his sister Emma Roys posted it this morning on TikTok
  • Guests told Hennessey not to spray champagne on his wife, Kristal Kim

TikTok users are divided after a groom somewhat exuberantly splashed champagne at his wedding reception in Italy.

Cole Hennessey posted a now-deleted video on the social media platform earlier this week showing him splashing champagne on his fiancée during their Lake Como wedding reception at a venue priced between 172,000 and 227,000 dollars per weekend for those who wish to get married with. friends.

His wife, Kristal Kim, didn't seem angry, but she started turning around almost immediately after the champagne spraying began.

Emma Roys, Hennessey's sister (@emmyhennyyy) posted the videoon her TikTok this morning, and it's already received over a million views.

TikTokers can hear wedding guests in Roys' video telling Hennessey not to spray Kim, but he continued to do so while the bride “handled it with grace.”

Cole Hennessey posted a now-deleted video to the social media platform earlier this week showing him splashing champagne on his fiancée during their wedding reception at Lake Como.

It's unclear how long Kim and Hennessey were together before their marriage, but his future wife first appeared in a photo on his Instagram in 2016.

Roys posted a Instagram video it showed Kim's father walking her down the aisle and holding an umbrella over her head as it started to rain.

Despite the rain, the ceremony seems to have been a successRelais Villa Regina Teodolindawhich is located in Laglio.

“The beauty of the place and the nobility of the building itself have always made the Relais a magical place,” we read in the description of the place on

Hennessey and Kim's wedding seemed just as magical despite the fact that he deliberately doused her in champagne.

He then approached her and started pouring the champagne into her mouth.

It didn't take long for Kim to unintentionally spit it out, and after a wedding guest suggested the bride “spray Cole,” she proceeded to do so without his objection, thus evening the score.

Hennessy and Kristal Kim got married this week in Italy at the Relais Villa Regina Teodolinda.  Kim, apparently surprised by the champagne, later took revenge.

Hennessy and Kristal Kim got married this week in Italy at the Relais Villa Regina Teodolinda. Kim, apparently surprised by the champagne, later took revenge.

Wedding expert Muriel Saldalamacchiahas listed Relais Villa Regina Teodolinda in its top 10 favorite wedding venues in Lake Como in September 2023.

She also wrote that it was once the home of Teodolinda, an Italian queen consort of the Lombards and Italy from 589 to 616.

Saldalamacchia wrote that it was a great venue overlooking Lake Como and was also famous for its food and dedicated staff.

“You will find six spacious suites to accommodate your guests. All are bright and airy, with sophisticated decor,” she wrote.

“Through their windows you can appreciate the sparkling waters of Lake Como or the gardens of the property. »

Anyone wishing to get married there can do so if they are willing to pay between $172,000 and $227,000, depending on The international wedding planner.

Despite the beautiful wedding and its unique story, TikTokers who commented on Roys' video couldn't help but write about the groom's champagne spraying.

“She took it like a champ. Respect for her, but this guy is something else. Why would you do that?' a TikToker asked in his comment.

“It seems like he was just too excited. I would be a little upset but at least he gave him a chance to get it back lol,” another person wrote.

Others defended the groom, with one person saying there was “no malicious intent.”

“The worst we can say is that he plays too much, but he's not a bad guy… Just a super happy to be married man,” one commenter wrote.

One woman wrote earlier this afternoon: “At least he listened when he heard no and seemed to do his best to correct himself. Listening, learning and doing better is a green flag.




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