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Anya Taylor-Joy gives new meaning to the term backless dress

Anya Taylor-Joy gives new meaning to the term backless dress
Anya Taylor-Joy gives new meaning to the term backless dress


In the world of celebrity fashion, there are few who stand out with a unique and authentic style, rather than simply the work of a savvy stylist. Rihanna, Doja Cat, Charli XCX, Julia Fox, Lil Nas Anya Taylor-Joy now appears to be aiming to become one of those stars whose every outfit choice is detailed in detail, after a series of boundary-pushing looks.

This week, Taylor-Joy turned heads in New York in a daring ensemble from Mugler's fall 2024 collection: a literally backless burgundy leather mini dress with asymmetrical sleeves and a provocative belt. Her look was elevated with burgundy suede pumps from Christian Louboutin and a bold silver cuff from the Tiffany & Co. Elsa Peretti collection.

Earlier in the week, she paired high-waisted olive leather shorts with a nude long-sleeve top and brown leather knee-high boots. Before that, at the Cannes Film Festival in the south of France, she wowed the crowd in a diaphanous Jacquemus dress and wide-brimmed straw hat, embodying the chic of the Croisette. She also wore a navel-baring Jil Sander two-piece skirt suit with a 1920s-style cap.

Image may contain Anya TaylorJoy Clothing Shoes Shoe Adult person Accessories Belt Shorts Blonde and hair

She looked lovely in these bold shorts.

Photo: Getty Images

Image may contain Anya TaylorJoy Clothing Dress Adult Formal Wear Hat Shoes Shoe Car & Transportation

Bring Riviera chic to the Croisette.

Photo: Getty Images

While promoting his new film, Furiosa: A Mad Max saga, meanwhile, Taylor-Joy showcased a range of daring looks. She wore a strappy, leather-baring Ludovic De Saint Sernin minidress from his New York show, a vintage Paco Rabanne spiked couture number, and a custom Balmain dress shaped like metal armor. The verdict? Anya Taylor-Joy is in her risk-taking fashion era, and we can't wait to see where it takes her next.

Image may contain Anya TaylorJoy Adult Person Clothing Shoes High Heels Dress Face Head and Photograph

She literally had to be encased in this custom metal Balmain number.

Photo: Getty Images

Image may contain Anya TaylorJoy Fashion Adult People Premiere Clothing Shoes High Heels and Red Carpet

This rare Paco Rabanne haute couture piece is from the spring 1996 collection.

Photo: Getty Images




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