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Bella Hadid's vintage Keffiyeh dress is from the 2000s runway

Bella Hadid's vintage Keffiyeh dress is from the 2000s runway
Bella Hadid's vintage Keffiyeh dress is from the 2000s runway


Bella Hadid's Cannes style just got all the more meaningful. Today, the model took to the Croisette in an archive scarf dress that paid homage to her Palestinian roots. Hadid donned a vintage Michael and Hushi dress from 2001. Her look was designed entirely with red and white keffiyehs, a traditional Arab headdress that has become a symbol of Palestinian culture. The model's dress featured a strappy bandeau top, with pom poms on the bodice, as well as a long, ruffled skirt that paired perfectly with her cherry red pumps. Hadid completed her look with a Sandy Liang hair bow, tinted sunglasses, and gold hoop earrings for good measure.

Returning to the Cannes Film Festival this year, Hadid has devoted herself to vintage fashion when she's not on the red carpet, slipping into archive looks from the likes of Dolce & Gabbana, Gucci and Gianni Versace. And given that she was rather franc in advocating for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, it makes sense that her latest outfit combines that plea with her passion for archival dresses. Earlier this month, label co-founder Hushidar Mortezaie sharing images of the original dress from its runway debut on her Instagram.

Jacopo Raule/GC Images/Getty Images

Moments later, Hadid removed her scarf dress to embody classic Cannes glamor in a look that reinterprets the tried-and-true maxi dress with a final cut for the French Riviera. She was seen outside the Martinez Hotel wearing a white tea-length dress by Jacquemus. The model's crew-neck number clung loosely to her figure before becoming almost sculptural with asymmetrical sleeves.

Jacopo Raule/GC Images/Getty Images

Hadid styled her backless outfit with chunky gold cuffs and unconventional sandal heels featuring a two-claw heel.

Jacopo Raule/GC Images/Getty Images

As if that wasn't enough fashion at the moment, Hadid then got down to business Phew Love Red carpet. There, she looked as elegant as ever in (another!) vintage dress. This one, from Atelier Versace's spring 2001 couture show, featured a plunging neckline, sequinned fabric and a matching shawl that Hadid wrapped loosely around her arms.

Whether she's wearing a meaningful vintage look, 2000s couture, or even a nude dress off the runway, no one comes close to Bella Hadid's Cannes style.


Victor VIRGILE/Gamma-Rapho/Getty Images




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