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The Story Behind Bella Hadid's Palestinian-Inspired Keffiyeh Dress

The Story Behind Bella Hadid's Palestinian-Inspired Keffiyeh Dress


Bella Hadid keffiyeh dress
Photo: Getty Images

When Bella Hadid hit the streets of Cannes in search of ice cream wearing this vintage dress, she knew it turned her powerful steps into a vocal narrative. And with every heel strolling down the cobbled streets, the Princess of Nazareth is there to say that fashion is more than a simple dress to wear.

Honoring her Palestinian heritage, Bella has never shied away from showing her undying love for her cultural roots, which has been evident throughout the years, but especially in recent months. We saw her adorning herself with Palestinian pride by wearing keffiyeh scarves. But this time it's in a red and white dress with a vast fashion history you should know about.

While strutting the French Riveria, the keffiyeh dress created by fashion duo Michael and Hushi, needless to say, made a lasting impression on the global fashion community.

Originally designed and launched in their February 2001 collection, The Persian Odysseyit features a midi dress and an asymmetrical hemline made from keffiyeh fabric which, according to Hushidar Mortezaie at the time, was not easy to achieve.

Keffiyeh Dress The Persian Collection Michael and Hushi
Photo: @hushi5Instagram

Designed in an era without the internet or social media, the fashion brand made do with available resources for its 2001 collection paying homage to the duo's cultural diversity. This blended their Western and Middle Eastern experiences into one.

Their keffiyeh dress reflected American pop-cultural influences from the 2000s and mixed them with elements from the Middle East. In the process of designing the collection which included tailored evening gowns keeping in mind post-modern American fashion, they used Palestinian fabrics to highlight the beauty of the struggle of cultures, blending beautifully their clothing theme.

And although the dress has been hidden in the archives, the design speaks to Iranian symbolism while reflecting a myriad of Arabic, primarily Palestinian, Jordanian and Saudi roots for the keffiyeh fabric. But before the collection was complete, Hushi traveled to her home country and gained further inspiration from the strength of women in Iran and the wider Middle East.

As a designer proudly sharing his heritage from the beginning, Hushi began making waves in the fashion world with his extravagant design codes combined with his cultural identity.

And as years passed when activism was at its peak, the duo, known for their whimsical approach to fashion, emulated their experiences and cultural history to make proud statements on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, where their first store, Sears and Robots, sold a range of eccentric vintage fashion and accessories.

This brings us to today, where Bella wears this archival piece on the streets of the French Riviera, carrying the spirit of Palestine with every slide. Sporting Y2K energy with the dress, she also wears cherry red peep-toe kitten heels and an oversized white scrunchie.

And with this year's list of celebrities at Cannes, just like Bella, Omar Sy, Leila Bekhti and celebrity Cate Blanchet, have chosen to show their support in solidarity with the State of Palestine.




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