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Weekly Fashion Roundup: May 24

Weekly Fashion Roundup: May 24


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This week, some of the biggest moments in fashion news involved business moves, store openings, new collections and much more.
The announcement of the appointment of Nicolas Bos as the new CEO of the Richemont group paved the way. At the same time, the opening of the Stssys archive store in New York.

Elsewhere, Hedi Slimane unveiled the CELINE winter 2024 men's collection; Louis Vuitton traveled to Barcelona for its Cruise 2025 fashion show; Jacob Elordi is the new Bottega Venetas brand ambassador and RIMOWA and Aim Leon Dore have unveiled a new collaboration.

Below, Hypebeast has rounded up the top fashion news stories of the week so you can stay on top of industry trends.

Nicolas Bos is the new CEO of the Richemont group

Nicolas Bos joins Swiss luxury conglomerate Compagnie Financire Richemont SA (Richemont) as its new CEO.

Bos comes from Van Cleef & Arpels where he has served as president and CEO since 2013. However, he has worked for the jewelry brand since 2000. Scheduled to take up his position at Richemont on June 1, Bos will oversee the conglomerate portfolio, which includes brands like Cartier, Alaa, Chlo, Buccellati, A. Lange & Shne and Jaeger-LeCoultre.

His vision and ability to perpetuate Van Cleef & Arpels' tradition of excellence and creativity have been essential to the House's remarkable growth, said Johann Rupert, Chairman of Richemont. Building on Richemont's expanded scale and strengthened expertise in retail and jewelry, Nicolas will lead the group in the next phase of its evolution.

Stssy Opens Archive Store in New York This Weekend

Stssy has opened a brand new archive store in Brooklyn, New York. But those interested better hurry because the store is only open for a month.

Opening today, the boutique features pieces from across Stssy's lifespan, including vintage classics, sold-out collaborations and hidden gems. Besides clothing, the store will also include furniture, artwork and design pieces.

The one-month Stssy Archive New York store is located at 369 Court Street in Brooklyn, New York 11231.

Hedi Slimane composes a psychedelic orchestra for men for CELINE winter 2024

Hedi Slimane silences rumors of his departure from CELINE with his new Winter 2024 men's collection for the house. But instead of parading, the creator opted for an elaborate 14-minute, 34-second video called Symphonie Fantastique.

Inspired in part by Hector Berlioz's 1830 work, the video mixes classic and contemporary elements revealing models walking down an empty desert highway with black helicopters and black cars from the 1960s.

The collection showcases formal menswear and refined everyday ensembles via collarless blazers with capes, pinstriped pea coats, shimmering suits, iconic moto jackets, flared pants and more. The set included 43 looks with 12 couture sets.

Louis Vuitton Cruise 2025 is a balance between time and style

For 10 years, Nicolas Ghesquire has been women's creative director at Louis Vuitton and even though it has been ten years, the designer continues to refine his image of the LV woman. Thus, for the Louis Vuitton Cruise 2025 collection, the house went to the Antoni Gaudis hypostyle room at Park Gell in Barcelona, ​​Spain.

The beauty of the latest collection lies in its performance of balance. Crossing Spanish personalities and style notes, cultural inspirations and time, the collection meanders through the fashion space with a respect for class and modernity.

I wanted to respect where we are,” Ghesquire told Vogue Runway. I like that this country evokes a certain rootedness and a certain rigor, and at the same time, it speaks of freedom, of youth, of extravagance in a way.

Jacob Elordi looks pretty in pink as Bottega Venetas' new brand ambassador

Jacob Elordi joins Bottega Veneta as the brand's new ambassador. In this role, the TV and film star is expected to represent the brand on red carpets, campaigns and public events/outings.

Pretty in pink, the ad saw Elordi in a double-layered V-neck knit sweater with a raised collar in a dark pink shade. To top it all off, the actor strikes a cutesy pose with his hands above his head imitating bunny ears.

RIMOWA teams up with Aim Leon Dore for a new collaboration

RIMOWA has a long history of collaboration. To advance this catalog, the brand has now teamed up with the famous New York brand Aim Leon Dore for a new collaboration.

By joining forces, the brands merge the golden age of travel with their love for timeless and refined designs. The collection includes the RIMOWA x AIM LEON DORE trunk and the RIMOWA x AIM LEON DORE cabin. The pieces are handcrafted in Germany in Aim Leon Dores' signature green hue.

Inside the pieces, you'll find a custom-made durable nylon lining that features an iconography pattern of ancient Greek stamps from the New York brand. Other special details on the chest and cabin include gold-plated hardware, brown leather handles and straps, and co-branded leather-covered logo badges with gold embossing.




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