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Philipp Plein Cruise Collection 2025

Philipp Plein Cruise Collection 2025


Every year, Philipp Plein organizes a show in his villa in Cannes at the end of the Film Festival. The reasoning seems obvious: the French Riviera city has become a fashion mecca, where models and influencers outdo themselves on the red carpet and at events like the amfAR Gala. But for Plein, it's less about catering to this specific part of fashion and more about connecting with its customers. What we like is the intimacy we have with the clients, a few selected people who come to us, said the German designer. When you do something bigger like we are doing in Milan, some people complain because they get lost in the crowd and can't take a photo or talk, but this is exactly the opposite.

Plein was supposed to host his show yesterday afternoon, but had to push it back a few hours to the evening due to an imminent storm. That’s life, we move on, he said with a smile, flipping through the shows during this Zoom visit with the familiarity of a friend pacing around their apartment sharing good gossip. Walking out of his living room to the pool (the dog!), he paraded down the racing flag track, passed a vintage Mustang (the cars were much better, now they're made of plastic and of PVC) and found her in a room where the models were getting ready: Sorry, we're delaying the show, girls! I am really.

About this racing flag, Plein said that he chose racing as his theme because of the Monaco Grand Prix taking place this weekend. People come to the south of France for racing and for cinema, so we said it was a great combination. The film in question would beFat, who appeared in hairspray and gel and in music: Summer Nights and You're the One that I Want by John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John. Johnny Depp's movieCry Babywas another reference here, one of the most fitting for the Plenty of Bad Boy Camp brand.

Plein focused the Zoom on a short dress covered in crystal flames, moving on to a longer version and matching matching clutches. This dress is made entirely of single stones, it took a week to make, he said of the mini, which will cost around $35,000. Another dress was covered in crystal chains, and yet another was cut from silk printed with flames all over.

The designer said that when he does this kind of show, which he does twice a year, the other being at his home in Bel Air during Oscars weekend, he pares his collections down to their barest elements. specials and focuses only on women's clothing. When I started in fashion, 26 years ago, we did men's fashion week and women's fashion week separately, in a very traditional way, but then we started mixing them and it was a success . Women's fashion is a growing business for Plein. According to him, current women's fashion leans towards very sporty looks. Always going against the grain, he bets on offering evening options, particularly dresses. The key word here is glamour, he says.




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