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Carer Absorbent Apparel Launches New Men's Incontinence Underwear Style Options

Carer Absorbent Apparel Launches New Men's Incontinence Underwear Style Options
Carer Absorbent Apparel Launches New Men's Incontinence Underwear Style Options


Carer, a trusted incontinence brand, has announced the addition of 3 new men's incontinence underwear featuring advanced leak protection (NBSS technology) to its range.

Our fabric uses advanced Nano-Boundary Superamphiphobic (NBSS) technology, forming a stable protective air interface layer on its surface. »

-Hugh T.

JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA, UNITED STATES, May 25, 2024 / — Carer, the preferred global resource for washable incontinence underwear, today announced the addition of three new men's products to its range: M71 Leaky Bladder Incontinence Underwear, M74 Reusable Incontinence Briefs and M75 Washable Waterproof Overnight Incontinence Underwear . All three feature Nano-Boundary Superamphiphobic (NBSS) technology. Carer is recognized as the leading designer and manufacturer of high-performance, leak-proof and reusable men's anti-pee underwear.

The company also announced that it is offering customers access to exclusive discounts, including $11 off the customer's first purchase. New customers can try underwear (1 pair) risk-free for 30 days. Plus, in honor of Father's Day, customers can take up to 50% off from June 1st to June 30th.

Urinary incontinence is a problem that affects many men. Indeed, this problem does not only concern elderly men, although this population often needs a comfortable and long-term solution. Men of all ages who suffer from enlarged prostates, prostate cancer, and other medical problems affecting the urinary tract may need a practical, environmentally sustainable approach to treating urinary incontinence. This is the problem that Carer solves.

One of its latest lightweight incontinence products for men includes the new arrival of M74 Reusable Incontinence Boxers with a Pouch, ideal for everyday use. They are made with a special fabric that keeps the body cool and fresh, ensuring personal comfort throughout the day. Boxers can absorb up to 80 ml, or almost 3 ounces, of liquid.

For moderate to severe incontinence, Carer offers washable, leak-proof M75 incontinence underwear, with padding extending from front to back to prevent leaks. The underwear has a functional fly, which can absorb a significant amount of liquid, up to 150 ml, approximately 5 ounces.

Customers looking for lightweight incontinence protection will be interested in the new arrival of M71 Men's Leaky Bladder Incontinence Underwear. The design of the cover underwear for urinary leakage provides superior frontal protection, without sacrificing comfort or style. The comfortable boxer briefs hold up to 80 ml, 3 ounces of fluid and feature NBSS technology to prevent side leaks.

Our fabric uses advanced Nano-Boundary Superamphiphobic (NBSS) technology, forming a stable protective air interface layer on its surface, said the Carer spokesperson. Waterproof underwear. This innovation provides a resilient barrier against liquid intrusion, particularly preventing lateral leaks. We really want to offer our customers more diverse choices.
For those looking for a solution to severe incontinence, the M67 Men's Economy Incontinence Brief has the highest absorbency of Carers' current products. It has a slightly thicker super absorbent dense padding. The M67 is a bestseller on the Carers website. Front to back, the trunks can easily absorb 300 ml (10 ounces). This product is suitable for moderate to heavy urinary leakage.

CARER designs and manufactures high-performance, waterproof and reusable absorbent clothing. In addition to its line of anti-leak products, the company is dedicated to the comfort and specific needs of new mothers, offering a line of mesh postpartum underwear.

Carer offers free shipping on all orders over $59. Unworn and unopened underwear can be returned free of charge.

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