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Meghan Markle faces another major snub: fashion designer rules out working with her due to favoritism for | World News

Meghan Markle faces another major snub: fashion designer rules out working with her due to favoritism for |  World News
Meghan Markle faces another major snub: fashion designer rules out working with her due to favoritism for |  World News


The Duchess of Sussex can't seem to take a break from an endless list of snubs from the British side. One of the latest blows to the Suits alum was dealt coldly by British fashion designer Julien Macdonald.

FILE PHOTO: Britain's Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex, arrives to meet academics and students during a roundtable discussion on women's access to higher education with the Association of Commonwealth Universities, at the University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg, South Africa, October 1, 2019. REUTERS/Toby Melville/File photo(Reuters)
FILE PHOTO: Britain's Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex, arrives to meet academics and students during a roundtable discussion on women's access to higher education with the Association of Commonwealth Universities, at the University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg, South Africa, October 1, 2019. REUTERS/Toby Melville/File photo(Reuters)

The former British Fashion Designer of the Year spoke bluntly about his judgments on the Duchess and her unequivocal favoritism for the Princess of Wales at the Fragrance Foundation Awards in London. Showering the royal family (minus the estranged members based in California) with sugary praise, Macdonald now hopes to pair up with Kate Middleton as soon as possible. However, he couldn't say the same about Meghan Markle.

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What did Julien Macdonald say about his collaboration with Meghan Markle?

As one of Wales' biggest fashion designers, the 53-year-old has already joined forces with high-profile clients including Victoria Beckham, Kylie Minogue, Naomi Campbel and Gwyneth Paltrow. Although he has worked with a diverse range of celebrities, Macdonald makes no secret of his unambiguous preferential treatment towards the royal family.

After revealing his good terms with Queen Camilla at the awards ceremony, the former Strictly contestant reportedly claimed she sometimes relied on him for fashion advice. After also encouraging the Queen to take part in her first ever fashion show, Macdonald asked Camilla to team up with him for the Julien Macdonald fashion show in 2018. The fundraising event had been organized to support the National Osteoporosis Society, led by the Queen Consort. as president.

According to the DailyMail Online, Macdonald spoke gloriously about the Queen and Princess at this year's Fragrance Foundation Awards. Kate is amazing, I would love to dress her in one of my dresses. I have a great relationship with Camilla, the Queen. She's incredible, he told the British tabloid.

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Adding more on his fashion bond with the Queen, he said: When I see her at different events, I always say: You look really pretty, Camilla, and she will say: Do you like that? Oh, I'm glad you approve.

Although Macdonald explicitly expressed his desire to dress the princess, he had little to say about a certain member of the royal family.

When asked if he would like to work with Meghan Markle, he made his point clear. Implying that he didn't want the Duchess of Sussex to be visible in his outfits, the fashion designer immediately replied: No, I prefer Jate and Camilla.




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