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Trojans fall to defending champions Roadrunners – The Clipper

Trojans fall to defending champions Roadrunners – The Clipper


Heading into Friday's game against the defending NWAC champion Linn-Benton Roadrunners, the Trojans knew it wasn't going to be easy.

Playing with the away team, Everett opened the scoring early on a two-out, first-inning single up the middle by sophomore third baseman Carson Burns.

Sophomore right-hander Ethan Hubbell took the mound for Everett and immediately allowed a leadoff single in the bottom of the first.

As quickly as the runner reached base, he was erased on a perfectly executed back-pick by catcher Nate Davis and first baseman Jonah Shull.

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The scoreboard remained unchanged until the bottom of the third, when with one out, Linn-Benton strung together three straight singles to tie the game. Hubbell responded with two strikeouts to stop the threat.

In the bottom of the fifth, with the game still tied and the go-ahead run on second, Linn-Benton's batter fielded a ball down the first base line, but Shull made a nifty play to his left to catch it and finish. the sleeve.

In the top of the sixth, Shull hammered a double to right center field, but the offense couldn't find a way to get it in.

After Hubbell's scoreless sixth, the offense again led with a double, this time courtesy of second baseman Micah Coleman.

Beazizo is hitting .189 with 15 RBIs. (Sam Whitney)

With two outs and Coleman on third, freshman center fielder Colin Beazizo finally managed to land the ball on the outfield grass after dunking the ball for nothing on Thursday.

It was great, right off the bat I knew it was broken,” Beazizo said. I got the go-ahead RBI in the inning, so that was beautiful.

Working with a lead again, Hubbell came back for the seventh and got two quick takedowns. Then, Linn-Benton strung together three more hits to tie the game.

With two outs, head coach Keith Hessler called on Nathan Harb, who stopped the Roadrunner rally with a strikeout.

I just didn't have some of my stuff today, Hubbell said. I just tried to stay in the game as long as possible and gave it my all, but sometimes that's not how it works.

Everett fought back in the eighth, capitalizing on a batter and walk with a two-out single, again under the bat of Burns.

Harb stayed in the game through the eighth and got a quick groundout to start the inning. After a one-out single, back-to-back defensive errors hurt the Trojans. A wild pitch moved the tying run to second base, and a few pitches later the run scored on a wild pitch to first base.

Brandon Brunette then entered the game for the Trojans, and after a strikeout for the second out, Davis threw out his third base runner of the game as the runner slid past the base trying to steal third .

(Davis) is such a dog behind the plate for us,” Hubbell said. I couldn't express it enough. I have the utmost respect for this guy, he did it all year for me.

Baylor Hill walked Everett in the top of the ninth and was replaced by Brenden Haverlock, but Haverlock was left stranded at second.

With the game still tied in the bottom of the ninth, the Roadrunners drew a lead of their own and took advantage. Two batters later, with the runner on third, a shallow fly ball to right field proved deep enough for the runner to tag in and score, and for Linn-Benton to pick it off.

Or maybe not. The Trojans thought the runner had left early and sent the play to be replayed, sure the play would be canceled and the run would not count.

I thought he left early, Hessler said. I was hoping the replay would show that. I'm not sure what they saw or didn't see, but they had it standing, so that's what we have to roll with.

Everetts' next game is Saturday at 2:05 p.m. against Spokane. Now that every game is win or go home, Hessler stressed the team can't afford to dwell on Friday's loss.

I told the guys they should just let it go,” Hessler said. It sucks, these matches are tough, but you have to find a way to let go and be able to come back tomorrow.




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