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Amanda Holden dazzles in a floral dress in cute video with her lookalike daughter Hollie, 12, as they attend 'special friend's wedding'

Amanda Holden dazzles in a floral dress in cute video with her lookalike daughter Hollie, 12, as they attend 'special friend's wedding'
Amanda Holden dazzles in a floral dress in cute video with her lookalike daughter Hollie, 12, as they attend 'special friend's wedding'


Amanda Holden looked incredible in a floral dress as she attended “a special friend's wedding” with her lookalike daughter Hollie on Monday.

The Britain's Got Talent judge, 53, took to Instagram to share a cute 'getting ready' video with her stunning 12-year-old daughter, as they helped each other with their make-up in their hotel room .

Amanda turned heads in the pretty dress which she teamed with statement white heels and gold jewelry.

Meanwhile, Hollie coordinated with her mum in a white and blue floral mini dress which she teamed with statement white cowboy boots.

As they prepared for the wedding, mother and daughter both wore matching pink striped pajamas as they beamed for a makeup-free selfie.

Amanda Holden looked incredible in a floral dress as she attended 'a special friend's wedding' with her lookalike daughter Hollie on Instagram on Monday

The Britain's Got Talent judge, 53, took to Instagram to share a sweet video

The Britain's Got Talent judge, 53, shared a cute 'Get Ready' video on Instagram with her stunning 12-year-old daughter, as they helped each other with their make-up in their hotel room.

Hollie was then seen applying pink blush to her mum's cheeks as the couple got glammed up for their friend Rebecca's special day.

After the ceremony, Hollie beamed as she hugged bride Rebecca who looked sensational in a strapless white wedding dress.

Amanda wrote: “Our friend Rebecca's very special epic storm wedding made it even more fabulous xxx.”

Radio presenter Heart and her husband Chris Hughes are also proud parents to their daughter Lexi, 18.

The wedding comes after Hollie and Simon Cowell's son Ericgate crashed the Britain's Got Talent auditions on Sunday.

Japanese rope skipping group Haribow took to the stage in the final episode, driving the audience crazy as they begged the judges to give them a golden buzzer – but all of them had already been used.

As chants from the crowd grew louder, Simon said he had “never heard a reaction like that before” before motioning for his son Eric, 10, to press the button.

“Okay, okay, do it,” Simon said, as Eric and Hollie jumped up and rushed to the judges' bench, slamming the golden buzzer and sending Harbow through to the semi-finals live.

Simon said: “It was my son, Amanda's daughter, cheered on by the crowd. We will see you in the final, congratulations.

Amanda turned heads in the pretty dress which she teamed with statement white heels and gold jewelry.

Amanda turned heads in the pretty dress which she teamed with statement white heels and gold jewelry.

Meanwhile, Hollie coordinated with her mum in a white and blue floral mini dress which she teamed with statement white cowboy boots.

Meanwhile, Hollie coordinated with her mum in a white and blue floral mini dress which she teamed with statement white cowboy boots.

As they prepared for the wedding, mother and daughter both wore matching pink striped pajamas as they beamed for a makeup-free selfie.

As they prepared for the wedding, mother and daughter both wore matching pink striped pajamas as they beamed for a makeup-free selfie.

Hollie was then seen applying pink blush to her mum's cheeks as the couple looked glamorous for their friend Rebecca's special day.

Hollie was then seen applying pink blush to her mum's cheeks as the couple looked glamorous for their friend Rebecca's special day.

After the ceremony, Hollie beamed as she hugged bride Rebecca who looked sensational in a strapless white wedding dress.

After the ceremony, Hollie beamed as she hugged bride Rebecca who looked sensational in a strapless white wedding dress.

Haribow, a group of Japanese artists aged 22 to 24, performed street dances while jumping on skipping ropes.

The group's incredible flips and tricks won over the audience, with the cheers becoming so loud you could barely hear the judges giving their opinions.

Alesha turned to her fellow judges and said “Keep going” amid the noise, while Bruno tried to give Haribow his opinion on their act.

But the former dancer struggled to speak despite chants of “Push the gold”, turning to the audience and telling them: “Listen to me, we can't!” We don't have any left.

“That’s as good as you’re going to get,” Simon added. “Sometimes when you watch an audition, I sit here and think, 'I really don't know what to say.'

“When it’s brilliant like that, it’s just that words aren’t really necessary.”

The camera panned to Eric, who was jumping out of his seat excitedly. “Sorry, my son is literally going crazy right now,” Simon said.

It was at this point that Simon asked the audience if anyone thought Haribow deserved the golden buzzer, leading to more roars, before letting Eric and Hollie do the honors.

Taking to Instagram after the show, Amanda joked that she thought she was “going to get fired” after her youngest child pressed the golden buzzer.

She wrote: “I mean I thought I was going to get fired because it was so unexpected my #HRH & Eric x even @simoncowell were shaken but they have the first ever GOLDEN BUZZER audience.”

The wedding comes after Hollie and Simon Cowell's son Eric hosted the Britain's Got Talent auditions on Sunday.

The wedding comes after Hollie and Simon Cowell's son Eric hosted the Britain's Got Talent auditions on Sunday.

The audience went wild after Japanese skipping act Haribow took to the stage in the final episode, prompting Simon to signal his son Eric, 10, and Hollie to press the button.

The audience went wild after Japanese skipping act Haribow took to the stage in the final episode, prompting Simon to signal his son Eric, 10, and Hollie to press the button.

Amanda shares Hollie and eldest daughter Lexi, 18, with husband Chris Hughes, whom she married in 2008

Amanda shares Hollie and eldest daughter Lexi, 18, with husband Chris Hughes, whom she married in 2008




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