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Jada Pinkett-Smith Dons Sheer Dress and Sandals at 'Bad Boys' Premiere – Footwear News

Jada Pinkett-Smith Dons Sheer Dress and Sandals at 'Bad Boys' Premiere – Footwear News


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Jada Pinkett Smith showed off an eye-catching look alongside the Smith family at the Los Angeles premiere of “Bad Boys: Ride or Die” on Thursday.

The actress hit the red carpet in a sheer dress with puffed sleeves and a flowing skirt from Iris Van Herpen's fall 2017 collection. Making her glamorous floor-length dress pop, she styled it with simple stiletto sandals.

She wore a shiny black patent leather pair that featured a single thin toe strap and an ankle strap. The pencil-thin heel appeared to be about 4 inches tall.

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Jada Pinkett Smith attends the premiere of “Bad Boys: Ride Or Die” in Hollywood on May 30, 2024.

The talk show host was joined by her husband Will Smith, their two children Jaden and Willow, their stepson Trey and their mom Adrienne Banfield-Norris.

While the “Bad Boys” actor paired an all-black look with black patent shoes, Willow stood out in bold black leather platform boots. Jaden also wore black platform shoes while Trey opted for green leather and suede sneakers.

Trey Smith, Willow Smith, Will Smith, Jada Pinkett Smith, Jaden Smith, Adrienne Banfield-Norris, Bad Boys: Ride Or Die premiere, red carpet, Smith family, shoes
(L to R) Trey Smith, Willow Smith, Will Smith, Jada Pinkett Smith, Jaden Smith and Adrienne Banfield-Norris attend the premiere of “Bad Boys: Ride Or Die” in Hollywood on May 30, 2024.

Jada Pinket Smith is no stranger to high heels. Throughout her career, she's known for wearing all kinds of high-heeled styles, from slouchy boots to strappy sandals from top designers like Tom Ford, Christian Louboutin and more. She favors classic pointed pumps, metallic finishes, thigh-high boots and platforms on occasion.

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Let's take a closer look at some shoes from the Smith family.

Meanwhile, his son Jaden has his foot in the door of the shoe industry. The multi-talented young man has been a New Balance ambassador since 2019 and has released three different shoe collaborations with the sports brand. Smith appeared on the cover of Footwear News wearing boots with the Telfar logo last year. A must-see in the fashion world, he also attended the Louis Vuitton Cruise 2025 Women's collection fashion show last week.

Then head into the gallery to see Jada Pinkett Smith's red carpet style over the years.

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